38% - Launcher stuck

My launcher gets stuck at 38%. I have been trying to update the patch for 4 hours.

I have restarted my computer numerous times and checked for updates.

I do not have Windows 11.

I updated my drivers.

I tried to repair.

No matter what I do. The launchers does not go past 38%
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 17 March 2022 21:09
  • ValeofAryan
    It's been over a day.

    I let the repair stay at 38% over night and woke up with no change.

    Looking around around for any fixes but I only see one person with similar issues and he has no fixes either.
  • ValeofAryan
    Report Txt attached if anyone knows how to read it.
  • ZOS_Bill
    If the progress bar freezes or gets stuck when trying to patch, please try the following steps:
    1. Open the launcher in administrator mode, you can do this by right clicking on the launcher and selecting "Run as administrator" from the drop down menu.
    2. Go to game options. This is located in the middle of the launcher under the news feed.
    3. Cancel any update in progress.
    4. Return to game options and select settings.
    5. In setting change auto update from always to never.
    6. Press apply.
    7. Select the cog wheel up the top right hand corner of the launcher.
    8. Select the megaserver you want to change to ( EU or NA)
    9. Once this is complete go back to game options and select check for updates. This should start to patch the game for your new server.
    10. If it does not patch select repair from game options and wait for the repair to finish.
    11. Once the repair has finished select check for updates.
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  • ValeofAryan

    I love you!! If you were not a dude I would kiss you.

    You have fixed my problem and I am not able to run the patch and play the game.

    Thanks again!!
  • ZOS_Bill
    Great! With the OP launcher issue now resolved, we are going to close the thread from further comments.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.