I would love to play the new dungeons, I would love to be excited for the new shiny things, but Account Wide Achievements have broken some very important things this update. Here's my feedback:
1. Decouple NPC reactions and dialogue from achievements! I don't want to listen to immersion breaking NPC conversations or have broken dialogue trees on my alts because you fail to make a simple change that will keep the game world narratively coherent for alts.
2. Give Achievement only quests a spot in the hidden quest database per character so alts can complete those quests! I want to talk to Count Ravenwatch in the quest Taking Up The Mantle on more than one character! I want all of those quests available to all of my alts!
Do this and I might sub and play again. You already forced me to lose my individual character data and tracking which I wanted to keep in addition to also having Account Wide Achievements, but I will not stand for an incoherent game world on my alt characters! While these issues remain, I will not sub or play your game. The Elder Scrolls series of games have always been story rich and rich in world building, and before this update ESO followed that tradition. Today the game breaks the 4th wall because the game world reacts to all your characters as if they are the same person, a.k.a The Player. No, my level 3 character did not do anything and NPCs should not react to her like she is the hero of so and so or did such and such because she is SUPPOSED to be a unique person in Tamriel, not an avatar of me. My level 3 alt should be able to talk to Count Ravenwatch at the end of Markarth regardless if I already have the achievement or not. My level 3 alt should be able to do all the quests in the future and not have any locked out because I did them on another character already. This holds true for all my alts who didn't get to those quests yet! Right now the game world is broken, and an Elder Scrolls title should not receive this type of treatment. I'm done until you fix these things!
edited to bold the point
You’ll be able to purchase items and Antiquity Leads that require Achievement completion
You can purchase leads for Zone specific maps furnishings from merchants in that zone provided you have the achievement requiredVonkarolinas wrote: »
What? Purchase Antiquity Leads? Where? From who? It seems some LOT of info was left out there.
SpiritKitten wrote: »You can purchase leads for Zone specific maps furnishings from merchants in that zone provided you have the achievement required