I was on the
The Staff of Magnus quest for the Aldmeri Dominion questline, and noticed Razum Dar was outside of the Mage's Guild with a quest starter icon. I wanted to see what he said, but I figured I'd do it after finishing the current quest. When I came close to turning it in, he disappeared so I abandoned the quest to retry it.
Now there's a problem. The only way to get on The Staff of Magnus is to talk to an NPC in the Orrery in Grahtwood, which is a
quest-locked instance. The Zone Guide, when activating Start Zone Story, points me to "Hazazi" in Marbruk who... does not exist.
So... am I just locked out of the storyline quest?
PS: I cannot file a ticket on the quest because it requires the quest to be in my journal. You literally cannot report quests you can't access.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 2 March 2022 20:48 Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.