Welcome to the wonderful world of RNG--> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7434811#Comment_7434811Between my five different toons, I have run dailies at The Deadlands about 60 times, maybe more, with not one lead on this item.
Any idea if it is bugged.
Or am I just seriously unlucky?
Necrotech_Master wrote: »if your quick looting stuff, it might be good to check you dont already have the lead, there are some cases where i was farming for a lead but didnt realize i had already looted it and was farming it for an extra hour i didnt need to lol
the in game antiquity panel is also very poor too, so could be easy to miss (if you are in fargrave when opening your boxes it wont really tell you that you have a new antiquity lead since the scry location is the deadlands, which is counted as 2 separate zones, and the default in game antiquity panel only shows your current zones scryable leads)