Just started playing again. I haven't made it to far into the game (highest level I've reached is 32). I'm pretty much a filthy casual as I travel for work quite a lot and am gone for extended periods of time. So I am looking for a casual guild that will be okay with that and also I play Werewolf. That's what I enjoy playing as and if that's an issue well then you know what not to do. Now that I have those basics out of the way I suppose a bit of an introduction is in order. I am 30, am an army veteran and I have 3 kids. I play several other games and bounce back and forth between them in my spare time. I play, SWTOR, RuneScape, Star Trek online, DOOM Eternal, and I also play Halo. I used to play WoW but its just not for me anymore. I am trying to find a group of people to play with for fun. I do have discord, I used to have other chats like teamspeak, mumble, and a few others but I don't use them anymore nor will I so it is discord only for me. Also my @ in game is the same as my forum post name...
Edited by Fenrir_Legacy on 1 January 2022 00:48