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Changing the Emperor Trophy on PS

How about reaching Grand Overlord in Cyro and awarding it? Actually getting Emperor is a really tough ask.
  • hafgood
    Um, that's why it's difficult? It's not called the Grand Overlord trophy, it's called the Emperor trophy.

    And why take away from those of us who have made emp?
  • IronWooshu
    hafgood wrote: »
    Um, that's why it's difficult? It's not called the Grand Overlord trophy, it's called the Emperor trophy.

    And why take away from those of us who have made emp?

    It's not like games haven't done it before. Look at Path of Exiles trophy list. I've platinum'd the game before alot of them changed. Didn't bother me.
  • VaranisArano
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.
  • IronWooshu
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.
  • jaws343
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Or you could play the game as intended to get the trophy.
    What's even the point of the trophy if you just want to devalue it to put no effort into receiving it?
  • VaranisArano
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?

    I don't play PSN, so it's no skin off my nose if it gets easier for you to do so. On the other hand, I do note that 100%ing the in-game achievements will still require it, and also, this smacks of asking for rewards to be made easier for people who can't or won't complete them as intended.

    Emperor is a whole different beast than Grand Overlord, even for dedicated PVPers. So in principle, I'm not sure there's a good replacement.
  • IronWooshu
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?
    Yes, nothing to do with in game achievements. Keep them the same. Changing the trophy perameters on what sets it off for PSN/XBox only will do no damage in the game. The in game achievements will still need to be Emperor.

    Edited by IronWooshu on 28 December 2021 19:15
  • VaranisArano
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?
    Yes, nothing to do with in game achievements. Keep them the same. Changing the trophy perameters on what sets it off for PSN/XBox only will do no damage in the game. The in game achievements will still need to be Emperor.

    What's the benefit of getting Platinum for a game? Just bragging rights?
  • IronWooshu
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?
    Yes, nothing to do with in game achievements. Keep them the same. Changing the trophy perameters on what sets it off for PSN/XBox only will do no damage in the game. The in game achievements will still need to be Emperor.

    What's the benefit of getting Platinum for a game? Just bragging rights?

    For the completion.
  • jaws343
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?
    Yes, nothing to do with in game achievements. Keep them the same. Changing the trophy perameters on what sets it off for PSN/XBox only will do no damage in the game. The in game achievements will still need to be Emperor.

    What's the benefit of getting Platinum for a game? Just bragging rights?

    For the completion.

    You'll just have to get emperor like everyone else who got the completion. Why should they make it easier?
  • IronWooshu
    jaws343 wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    Grand Overlord has its own rewards, but it's a completely different process than getting Emperor.

    Besides, then Emperor would need new rewards, and then people would complain that getting Emperor is still too hard and shouldn't they be able to get the rewards some easier way, and, and, and ad nauseum.

    I love the look of the Emperor costume, but since I've accepted I'm never going to pull all-nighters fighting and repairing walls just to make a final frantic push like the guildmates I've helped get it...I've also accepted that I'm not going to be Emperor since I'm not willing to do what it takes. I'll live without the rewards.

    I don't know what exactly you're saying here. This is about the trophy on PSN and not the rewards in game. The trophy on PSN itself doesn't award anything, the achievement in game does which is why changing the parameters on how that trophy is changed would have no bearing on rewards in game.

    Okay, so in doing some reading about previous PSN complaints, I'm no longer clear on what you are asking for.

    Is this about having to become Emperor in order to 100% your PSN trophies?
    Yes, nothing to do with in game achievements. Keep them the same. Changing the trophy perameters on what sets it off for PSN/XBox only will do no damage in the game. The in game achievements will still need to be Emperor.

    What's the benefit of getting Platinum for a game? Just bragging rights?

    For the completion.

    You'll just have to get emperor like everyone else who got the completion. Why should they make it easier?

    Why does it bother you so much?
  • hafgood
    I have platinumed the game in PlayStation, to do so I got Emperor. You want to platinum the game? Get Emperor, it's that simple. Oh and I don't have Grand Overlord, so if it changes in your favour I lose my platinum because I no longer meets the requirements???

    Don't think so
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I think the Grand Overlord title would be a gold trophy if Emperor did not exist. This is from the perspective of a PS5 user who has Emperor trophy on PS5 with hardly any others because they didn't convert from PS4. Under your suggestion I would've gotten Platinum on PS4. However... I think GO getting the trophy for Emp devalues the trophy on my shelf for actual Emperor. I also have one GO and another 1 star about to be 2.

    Emperor is Emperor. If you had the skills to get all the other trophies, Emperor should not be a problem for you. It's more about dedication than skill. I see no need to change it. If they can't integrate the PS 4->5 trophies, I wonder if they could even implement your suggestion anyhow.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • hafgood
    Trophies get merged at next update
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    hafgood wrote: »
    Trophies get merged at next update

    Did they announce that during the stream? Amazing if so!
  • hafgood
    hafgood wrote: »
    Trophies get merged at next update

    Did they announce that during the stream? Amazing if so!

    Yes, in the post release show
  • Phil1001-Up
    Trophy merge would be the best! Unfortunately I don't believe they are merging the lists between PS4 and PS5 version but implementing a trophy sync instead. As I understand it, the PS5 client will auto-pop all the trophies previously earned by your ESO account on the PS4 version.

    I wish PlayStation would merge lists between PS4 a PS5 versions of the same game but some people do love getting 'extra free' trophies by paying for new PS5 versions of games and loading their PS4 saves.
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