My guild mates and I have been throwing around an idea and I am not sure if ZOS has ever considered it. Since Raven watch is the no proc no hammer server can we run a live test for 90 days on it. The test would be a NO Add-ons campaign? we can go try it out see if it would work and Zos can use it to test how much lag add-ons (and we all know which ones) cause. If there was a 30/60/90 day test on it there should be enough data to look at to gauge lag caused by add-ons. Just a thought and please Ravenwatch people do not roast me on this the server is averaging 1 bar across the board, and I doubt ZOS will put a new pvp server up without loosing one of the others. Try first two 30 day campaigns days no Add-ons and the last 30(90) as faction locked and see 1.) reduction of lag, 2.) interest in this server type. thanks in advance.