Login failed? Can't load announcements? Ps4 na

Game keeps saying can't load announcements and login failed connection to the server timed out.
Did this to me yesterday and restarted the ps4 and worked fine. Got on earlier today no problem. Now its back.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 11 November 2021 22:27
  • UntilValhalla13
    If it shows up, back out to the title screen and try again. It just seems to be random. If you try to progress, you get disconnected for inactivity, or whatever weird message that pops up.
  • MissPan3024
    Still happening on Xbox as well.
  • HybridFreak
    Been dealing with this daily for the last 3 or 4 days on Xbox as well. Usually restarting the game a few times seems to eventually fix it but it's hit or miss.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Happening on PS4 and the ps5 :(
  • ZOS_Bill

    If you are still getting a timeout error, please try the troubleshooting found below.

    What do I do if I get an error stating "Login Error: Login Timeout" when logging into The Elder Scrolls Online?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Rumancek
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    If you are still getting a timeout error, please try the troubleshooting found below.

    What do I do if I get an error stating "Login Error: Login Timeout" when logging into The Elder Scrolls Online?

    I said this in the thread over here about the same error:
    My SO and I are having this issue as well. Just tried to log in (PS4/NA) and it's 11:39p EST for me (SO is in California, 8:39p PST) - and getting the 'cannot retrieve announcements' and a failure to log in. Rebooted PS4, restarted the game, checked for updates on both console and the game.
    It's been happening a lot during peak hours during the day, but usually fixes itself in a few moments. Not sure if the server is having issues or what, but figured I'd give as much info as possible in case this needs to go in a bug report or something.

    The link you listed above didn't do anything to fix it.
    "I do know one thing. You need to have trust and honesty. Without trust and honesty it won't work." -Friday Night Lights
    CP: 873 | CURRENTLY: Slowly dipping my toes into PVP while helping my SO level her first few toons. (Edited 8/23/2023)
    PLAYED SINCE: PC/Mac beta, then February 7, 2014 (PC) before moving to PS4 NA from July 28, 2015 where I’ve remained.

    Ibiza Aldemir | Redguard Nightblade | Stamina DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf (OG MAIN)
    Doe Snot | Wood Elf Necromancer | Stamina DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Mortal
    Volodýmyr | Redguard Nightblade | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Vampire (PVP MAIN)
    Mjau Aldemir | High Elf Arcanist | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf (PVE MAIN ALT)
    Neekläus* | Breton Sorcerer | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Vampire
    Ste | Imperial Templar | Magicka DD/Healer | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf
    Nae Jamie Fraser* | Breton Templar | Magicka DD/Healer | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf

    *Yes, Jamie is an Outlander reference, and yes, Neekläus is a TVD/The Originals reference.
  • ApostateHobo
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    If you are still getting a timeout error, please try the troubleshooting found below.

    What do I do if I get an error stating "Login Error: Login Timeout" when logging into The Elder Scrolls Online?

    Sorry, but I think if a bunch of people are having this issue crop up over the last week it's a server side issue not something we can fix with basic troubleshooting.
  • Rumancek
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    If you are still getting a timeout error, please try the troubleshooting found below.

    What do I do if I get an error stating "Login Error: Login Timeout" when logging into The Elder Scrolls Online?

    Sorry, but I think if a bunch of people are having this issue crop up over the last week it's a server side issue not something we can fix with basic troubleshooting.

    THIS ^

    I just logged in for my daily session (2:53a EST, NA/PS4) and I had to go through swapping from NA to EU and back to NA servers then attempting to log in NINE TIMES, before it let me in. Trust it's not my internet and I've done everything on my end to ensure it's not.
    "I do know one thing. You need to have trust and honesty. Without trust and honesty it won't work." -Friday Night Lights
    CP: 873 | CURRENTLY: Slowly dipping my toes into PVP while helping my SO level her first few toons. (Edited 8/23/2023)
    PLAYED SINCE: PC/Mac beta, then February 7, 2014 (PC) before moving to PS4 NA from July 28, 2015 where I’ve remained.

    Ibiza Aldemir | Redguard Nightblade | Stamina DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf (OG MAIN)
    Doe Snot | Wood Elf Necromancer | Stamina DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Mortal
    Volodýmyr | Redguard Nightblade | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Vampire (PVP MAIN)
    Mjau Aldemir | High Elf Arcanist | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf (PVE MAIN ALT)
    Neekläus* | Breton Sorcerer | Magicka DD | Daggerfall Covenant | Vampire
    Ste | Imperial Templar | Magicka DD/Healer | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf
    Nae Jamie Fraser* | Breton Templar | Magicka DD/Healer | Daggerfall Covenant | Werewolf

    *Yes, Jamie is an Outlander reference, and yes, Neekläus is a TVD/The Originals reference.
  • DormantOne
    This has been happening to me every day for the last week.
  • DormantOne
    Ps4 pro btw
  • HybridFreak
    Issue is also happening in Xbox NA on my series S. Been happening everyday for the last week now.

    I did some testing this morning and I think it may have something to do with the console idling. I found out I only encounter the issue once my Xbox goes idle or into low power mode and then I attempt to play again later. If I close the game when I'm finished, it doesn't happen when I reopen the game.

    Is anyone else leaving the game open pretty much all the time, even when not actually playing?
  • Ingenon
    This has been going on for days now on PS4 NA. I login daily, and most days, I start game, game says it cannot load announcements, and then login fails. For me, closing the game, and then starting it again has been fixing this issue. Since other games do not have this problem, I believe it is an ESO NA server side issue.
  • LurgidBean
    Issue is also happening in Xbox NA on my series S. Been happening everyday for the last week now.

    I did some testing this morning and I think it may have something to do with the console idling. I found out I only encounter the issue once my Xbox goes idle or into low power mode and then I attempt to play again later. If I close the game when I'm finished, it doesn't happen when I reopen the game.

    Is anyone else leaving the game open pretty much all the time, even when not actually playing?

    Yes, I've noticed it after my Xbox has been idle for a period of time, or if I have switched apps (like Hulu) and try to restart. It sucks because I work from home and often let the game go idle, but want to pick up & play (farm, fish or stealing) when I'm waiting on hold, etc. I am not able to do this most days without numerous attempts.

    When I completely quit the game & restart it doesn't happen, as you've noted.

    ZOS please listen to console players and at least take a look to see if something is wrong on your end instead of just telling us to troubleshoot because it's unsuccessful.

    Xbox NA/EU
    "Once I misplaced an entire roast chicken, so this doesn't surprise me."
  • phileunderx2
    I have to toggle between EU and na for it to work.
    Then I have to be careful about where I go when I get in as I can't go through any loading screen in an area of high population.
  • ZOS_Bill
    For anyone still getting "Login failed" or issues with loading announcements, please go ahead and start a ticket with customer support.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • SpiritofESO
    Edited by SpiritofESO on 29 June 2024 16:12
    • "Adapt or Die"
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    It's been happening before the update as well. At least a week prior.
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Five times in a row this evening and I still cannot get in.
  • Hawco10
    Happening to me now too. It’s 50/50 as to being able to login.
    Where’s the fix ?
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Still ongoing for me as well despite several router and modem restarts as recommended.. didn't resolve the issue at all because it's a ZOS issue, not a player issue.
    Edited by vivisectvib16_ESO on 2 December 2021 15:07
  • xDeusEJRx
    I've had this bug since deadlands DLC patch dropped, still continuing to this day. I have to login about 7 times or close app and reopen just to play.
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    So many folks are having this issue. All of my guildmates are having this issue. I see people talking about it in Zone chat. Time to stop telling us to restart our modem or router and log this as an issue on ZOS' end. Please advise @ZOS_BillE
  • carlos424
    Surely ZOS gets reports showing errors such as: “connection failed” “account is already logged in” “booted from server” etc., right? Judging by all the forum posts, I would assume there is a huge uptick of these occurrences over the past couple of weeks, but who knows for sure, because all we get is “troubleshooting” advice. It would be very helpful to get some information such as “We are working on these issues” or “We aren’t working on anything, the problem is on your end.” This would help to limit people’s frustration, and wasting time restarting modems, uninstalling, re-installing, etc.
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