Hello all,
I am trying to figure out how to fit in either vigor or caltrops into my sorc tank build so I can proc powerful assault, but I can't figure out what skill to drop.
I am using:
Pierce armor, deep slash for minor maim, dark deal for stamina sustain, clannfear for heal and passives, boundless storm for armor buff.
Back bar I am using:
Endless hail to proc infused crushing, ranged taunt, silver leash to pull mobs, clannfear cuz double bar, and prison for rooting groups of mobs.
I was considering dropping clanfear for vigor back bar to proc PA and using defensive stance in its place on the front, but you lose so much by not running clannfear.
The other option may be to drop deep slash since minot maim isn't as important as it used to be at only 5%.
Edited by Stx on 8 November 2021 01:21