Visible Confusion
Quick overview:
- Learn and complete Hardmode Dungeons, Arenas and Trials
- Learn content in a fun progressive atmosphere
- We are looking for permanent roles and flexible backups for our progression raids. (Raid time: Sunday 2:30pm-5:30pm PST)
- Gain experience to join even the most stringent raid groups.
- Small group PvP focused on fun group play with no forced flavor of the month gaming.
- Dueling tournaments
- Planned housing and fashion events.
- Sanctioned guild crafters.
- Trading will become a goal as we grow.
Hot Times:
You will find our officers and core members on around these times
M-F: 7pm-4am (PST)
Sat-Sun: Open
About Us:
Hi, I’m Stalwart, I’m the GM of our guild. My friends wanted to make a guild and decided they needed a fall guy for when things go wrong so here I am. No worries, I’m a tank I’m used to it. I stand in dragon’s breath all day sometimes hanging out by his nether regions, giant lizards shot me with lasers from their forehead and that 20 daedroth mosh pit, just another Monday.
Seriously though, this is a guild originally formed by 5 long time players and friends. We are currently focused on hard-mode (and vet) dungeons, trials, and arenas. We have three core hard-mode trial progression groups
Magicka Prog (Sundays 2:30-5:30 PM PST) – Finishing RG HM. Will soon advance to all Trifects. Will likely have more opening then.
Stamina Prog (Fridays 8-11 PM PST) – Currently forming HM Prog focusing on medium armor dps.
Hybrid Prog (Tues & Wednesday 5:30-8:30 PST) – Currently forming HM Prog to be more flexible.
Backups are always welcome for all our progs and spots always open up. We also host open runs for everyone, guild-events, and PvP in all forms. We are primarily in EP but we have characters in other factions. See the discord for more info.
Our main focus is to have fun. We have no hard limitations to join but most of what we do will be catered to players ready for endgame content. We want you to be a team player and be ready to adapt. Striving for self-improvement is key but we are here to help every step.
We are a mature guild. That means two things. One, you need to be able to handle mature jokes. Two, you need to be able to treat everyone like adults. We won’t take bullying of anyone. We will have all genders, races and nationalities in the guild and you have to treat everyone only as people.
If you are interested contact one of our officers, reply here or find us in the guild search.