Official Discussion Thread for "A Frightful Fete Comes To Tamriel w/ The Witches Festival"

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This is the official discussion thread for the news article, "A Frightful Fete Comes To Tamriel w/ The Return Of The Witches Festival"

Unlock unique collectibles and goodies by slaying Tamriel’s monsters during the Witches Festival in-game event!
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • Fennwitty
    "spoopy spectacle"

    Yay for continuity! :p
    PC NA
  • SickleCider
    I'm pumped! 🎃 Thank you for adding new activities to the Witchy Fest! Halloween is a lifestyle, and with a lot of people still choosing to stay indoors as much as possible it's good to have more ways to celebrate at home!
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Jayne_Doe
    This wasn't mentioned in the announcement article, but from the PTS 7.1.2 Patch Notes, the following was mentioned:

    Hollowjack style pages, previously relegated to the Witches Grab Bags, are now available as part of a folio of rewards for completing any Witches Festival crafting writ (which can drop from any Plunder Skull).

    Hopefully, this is still the case and players will be able to pick up Hollowjack pages without having to spend a bunch of event tickets on the grab bags.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 14 October 2021 16:31
  • Holmarion19
    Hi @ZOS_Kevin

    Article says "Don’t forget, to acquire this house by the end of the year, you’ll need to have an Unstable Morpholith pet to morph AND all four upgrade fragments"

    Am I misreading this or has it changed to four (or are there still five to collect as per the collections menu?) Thanks
  • Tarbs01
    Fennwitty wrote: »
    "spoopy spectacle"

    Yay for continuity! :p

    I'm not exactly sure what a "spoopy spectacle" is. What kind of event are they running here?
    Xbox/NA Nord DK For the Pact!
  • Kelinmiriel
    Hi @ZOS_Kevin

    Article says "Don’t forget, to acquire this house by the end of the year, you’ll need to have an Unstable Morpholith pet to morph AND all four upgrade fragments"

    Am I misreading this or has it changed to four (or are there still five to collect as per the collections menu?) Thanks

    I had noticed this also, so I checked in game, where there are still five fragments listed. So please fix the announcement; wouldn't want people to think they only need four!

    Also - thank you SO MUCH for getting the announcement out this early!
    Edited by Kelinmiriel on 14 October 2021 17:23
    Event Tracker addon (PC NA/EU)
    Helps you keep track of your Event Tickets, so you don't miss any. Double XP on events is PASSIVE now!!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Just by reading all this... am I the only one who thinks that this event is becoming um... kinda "over-grown". I mean if you sum up all of the activities & things to collect it is just... a lot. And I mean like probably way to much. Events are supposed to be fun, but I am kinda afraid that the "grind" may be too much this time... :#
    Tarbs01 wrote: »

    I'm not exactly sure what a "spoopy spectacle" is. What kind of event are they running here?
    I think it is a meme. At previous halloween event, they made a funny typo, and community loved that. They fixed it, but people remembered. It is one of those things like "running on top of your mount" bug that is never going to fixed or the famous "Natch potes" :D
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on 14 October 2021 17:42
  • Araneae6537
    Yay, Witches Festival — one of my favorite events! :smiley:
    Just by reading all this... am I the only one who thinks that this event is becoming um... kinda "over-grown". I mean if you sum up all of the activities & things to collect it is just... a lot. And I mean like probably way to much. Events are supposed to be fun, but I am kinda afraid that the "grind" may be too much this time... :#

    But those who have participated before will have most achievements and items collected already so it’s great new items are added. And for those for whom it’s their first time, it would be a shame for them if they couldn’t get previous years items! One doesn’t have to get it all in one year but it’s probably doable since many will be selling or giving away items they already have. :)
  • saf227_ESO
    "Public Dungeon, Imperial City Bosses, and Quest Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shields and Boots"
    "World Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shoulders and Axes"
    If you have a Daily Quest for a World Boss, does that make it a Quest Boss, also?
    I'm soooo confused.
  • opaj
    I'm on a break from ESO, but that bonfire memento might bring me back for just this event.

    The real reason I'm commenting, though... Was it necessary to shorten "with" to "w/" in the title?
  • Dagoth_Rac
    saf227_ESO wrote: »
    "Public Dungeon, Imperial City Bosses, and Quest Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shields and Boots"
    "World Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shoulders and Axes"
    If you have a Daily Quest for a World Boss, does that make it a Quest Boss, also?
    I'm soooo confused.

    I believe "Quest Bosses" are one-time bosses that you only face as part of a story quest. Not repeatable quest objectives like world bosses. So that random necromancer you have to kill to save the town, and then you turn that quest in and never see that quest or boss again, is a "Quest Boss".
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    saf227_ESO wrote: »
    "Public Dungeon, Imperial City Bosses, and Quest Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shields and Boots"
    "World Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shoulders and Axes"
    If you have a Daily Quest for a World Boss, does that make it a Quest Boss, also?
    I'm soooo confused.

    No. World Boss dailies do not make World Bosses into "Quest Bosses" for the purposes of this event. Quest bosses are those that are encountered as part of regular zone quests (or main questline for the zone). That is, they are neither at world boss locations nor delve bosses (nor in a public dungeon nor trial/arena etc.), but are in their own location, usually near a quest hub or other marked location on your map.
  • Ilsabet
    I think it is a meme. At previous halloween event, they made a funny typo, and community loved that. They fixed it, but people remembered. It is one of those things like "running on top of your mount" bug that is never going to fixed or the famous "Natch potes" :D

    It is a meme, although it didn't originate with a ZOS typo. I believe it came from a photo of some Halloween decorations for sale that, shall we say, had not undergone rigorous QA when it came to spelling. And when the internet got ahold of it, people started using "spoopy" as a goofy way of saying spooky.

    As far as the actual event, it is nice to see some new stuff for old players to go after. I do wonder about the new crow feather dailies requiring 50 feathers - I hope that means that each skull can contain multiple feathers, since 50 skulls each day seems kind of exorbitant. Does anyone know how it worked on PTS?
  • CasgarTheSomnolent
    FYI: The little mini dolmens that pop up as you're running around zones count for the public dungeon dremora skull and always have. It's a nice little time-saving measure if you know where to find them.
  • CasgarTheSomnolent
    Ilsabet wrote: »

    It is a meme, although it didn't originate with a ZOS typo. I believe it came from a photo of some Halloween decorations for sale that, shall we say, had not undergone rigorous QA when it came to spelling. And when the internet got ahold of it, people started using "spoopy" as a goofy way of saying spooky.

    As far as the actual event, it is nice to see some new stuff for old players to go after. I do wonder about the new crow feather dailies requiring 50 feathers - I hope that means that each skull can contain multiple feathers, since 50 skulls each day seems kind of exorbitant. Does anyone know how it worked on PTS?

    At the very least, please let it be that you 100% of the time get a feather for every plunder skull. No RNG with this. Doing some quick math, I determined that you can get about 26 plunder skulls just by doing the normal daily Dremora Skull circuit. That's halfway there. However, if the feathers aren't guaranteed, and you had to, say, earn 100 plunder skulls to get 50 feathers...per day...that would be horrible grind.

    Plunder skull math, btw:

    Arena (Mael or DSA): 10 skulls
    4-Man Dungeon: 5 skulls
    Public Dungeon: 5 skulls (presuming you do a full loop)
    Trial: 3 skulls
    Delve: 1 skull
    Dolmen: 1 skull
    World Boss: 1 skull

    Total: 26 skulls (by the time you have all 7 Dremora Skulls for the day)
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @Holmarion19, good catch! You are correct, It should be five upgrade fragments. We are updating the article now.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • SerraKBella
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    This wasn't mentioned in the announcement article, but from the PTS 7.1.2 Patch Notes, the following was mentioned:

    Hollowjack style pages, previously relegated to the Witches Grab Bags, are now available as part of a folio of rewards for completing any Witches Festival crafting writ (which can drop from any Plunder Skull).

    Hopefully, this is still the case and players will be able to pick up Hollowjack pages without having to spend a bunch of event tickets on the grab bags.

    I noticed in the article that witches writs are specifically listed in the 7 special Dremora Plunder Skull rewards and not in the normal purple plunder boxes. However the patch notes states you can get them from any Plunder Skull. Hopefully the patch notes are the way and not the article.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hey, @opaj. Yes, it was necessary. The title area has a limited character count and the title had already been shortened. So it was the best way to get "with" and avoid cutting the title further. But totally understand the question. We avoid the shortening when we can!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi @SerraKBella and @Jayne_Doe. Thanks for highlighting this. We went back to check and the article is correct while the patch notes are incorrect. We will changes those shortly. They are apart of the 7 special Dremora Plunder Skull rewards. Apologies for the confusion there, but thank you for pointing out the discrepancy.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • opaj
    @ZOS_Kevin I wasn't expecting an answer, so thank you for sparing a moment to reply! On closer examination, I see that the forum title is indeed significantly shortened from the article title. You have convinced me.
  • Jayne_Doe
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi @SerraKBella and @Jayne_Doe. Thanks for highlighting this. We went back to check and the article is correct while the patch notes are incorrect. We will changes those shortly. They are apart of the 7 special Dremora Plunder Skull rewards. Apologies for the confusion there, but thank you for pointing out the discrepancy.

    @ZOS_Kevin Were the patch notes also incorrect that the Witches Festival writ rewards would contain the Hollowjack motif?

    Here's my original post:

    This wasn't mentioned in the announcement article, but from the PTS 7.1.2 Patch Notes, the following was mentioned:

    Hollowjack style pages, previously relegated to the Witches Grab Bags, are now available as part of a folio of rewards for completing any Witches Festival crafting writ (which can drop from any Plunder Skull).

    Hopefully, this is still the case and players will be able to pick up Hollowjack pages without having to spend a bunch of event tickets on the grab bags.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 14 October 2021 20:17
  • SantieClaws
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hey, @opaj. Yes, it was necessary. The title area has a limited character count and the title had already been shortened. So it was the best way to get "with" and avoid cutting the title further. But totally understand the question. We avoid the shortening when we can!

    Would 'A frightful fete sweeps Tamriel' etc have fittted?

    Just then you get a broom pun in there too yes - all yours for next year if it helps.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • oterWitz
    Thanks for posting this event announcement a little earlier than has been the norm recently. As far as I know, no one had to beg in the General Discussion forums or make a post there with a screen cap of a tweet. Sure, in an ideal world we'd have like a month's notice or even the full event schedule each quarter, but I do appreciate the improved communication for this event :)
    PC NA
  • paulychan
    spoopy is what Snoopy does in the yard
  • Destai
    @ZOS_Kevin Happy you're active here on this thread, and hopefully when questions arise on this event, someone from ZOS is prepared to answer those questions here.

    That being said, the community reached out to you here:

    And no one from ZOS replied on our time sensitive questions. Can you take a look and get us an answer. It's been 15 days since people were looking for an answer there.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi @Jayne_Doe. We wanted to check with the team to make sure we were correct here.
    This is correct: "Hollowjack style pages, previously relegated to the Witches Grab Bags, are now available as part of a folio of rewards for completing any Witches Festival crafting writ"

    With the note that as corrected earlier, the writs are available in the Dremora Plunder Skulls instead of the standard Plunder Skulls.

    Hopefully that clarifies the answer.

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @SantieClaws If we use that next year, you'll get credit!

    @oterWitz We are working on getting events to you all in a timely manner that gives players enough time to plan, but also doesn't compromise the work of our internal teams. So we're working toward having a good balance when we can. Keep us in the loop when things are working and not working!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    paulychan wrote: »
    spoopy is what Snoopy does in the yard

    This is also correct. Ship it off to Merriam-Webster and have them add it to the dictionary!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @Destai We are working on getting clarification now. Hope to have something soon! Thanks for following up.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Destai
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    @Destai We are working on getting clarification now. Hope to have something soon! Thanks for following up.

    Cool, hopefully we can get that before the winter festival. Don't want people feeling like they're gonna miss out on the goodies ZOS pushes because of some misunderstanding.
    Edited by Destai on 17 October 2021 15:19
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