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You should add more bgs not take away what we have.

Eso could really use an alterac valley or arathi basin for example. I've loved bgs the most in any mmo I've played, but when you severely limit game modes then there's no point to play.

I couldn't keep playing gw2 because they had one relevant mode for years and still to this day. It's a great way to kill your pvp player base and I don't want that to happen to eso.

Mindless death match is ok once in a while, but it's not healthy for the long term. I'm not sure what data you expect to find, oh surprise more people are playing dm cuz it's the only option available woah? 🙄

How about we increase rewards which are pitiful in bgs and give us more content instead of less, just a thought
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    oh yeah an AV would be awesome, and the beauty is larger BG attracts players that would otherwise not do BG's.
  • SkaraMinoc
    Arathi Basin is basically ESO Domination with 2 large teams (15v15) instead of 4v4v4.

    Alterac Valley doesn't exist in ESO and I'd love to see ZOS add something similar.

    An enhanced version of Thidranki from DAoC would also be fun. 3 large teams fought over a keep in the middle of the map surrounded by a moat and bridges. It was a persistent battleground so you could capture and hold the keep for days. Think of it as a single keep from Cyrodiil but a much smaller map and you get back into the fight much quicker.

    Some Thoughts
    • I'm not sure what the motivation for 4v4v4 battlegrounds was but it's not as fun as 10v10, 15v15, or 40v40.
    • Capture the Relic should be 2 mid-sized teams not 3 small teams. Warsong Gulch (10v10) is very balanced.
    • Small scale PvP (5v5 or less) should be reserved for ranked arenas with a ladder for bragging rights.
    • I want to see new battlegrounds added with every chapter. Blackwood, Greymoor, Summerset battlegrounds, etc.
    • ESO battlegrounds feel detached from Overland. I'd like to see more battlegrounds integrated into the world.
    PC NA
  • Magio_
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    [*] I'm not sure what the motivation for 4v4v4 battlegrounds was but it's not as fun as 10v10, 15v15, or 40v40.
    Iirc, they just wanted to bring the AvAvA from Cyrodiil in a smaller scale with Battlegrounds. Copy pasting rulesets, most evident with Land Grabs modes, that were designed for Head-to-Head arenas to a new and unique AvAvA arena was a mistake though.
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    [*] Capture the Relic should be 2 mid-sized teams not 3 small teams. Warsong Gulch (10v10) is very balanced.

    Exactly as you said. The pain points of Land Grab and Capture the Relic modes as PvP Modes would not exist if Battlegrounds were Head-to-Head events with only two teams participating. These modes would be lot more competitive, which seems to run against ESO's agenda. Which is why we don't have a true ranking system that separates player by skill as Skara suggested.
  • LordRukia
    I'm not interested in a try hard sweaty eSports bg. I've been there done that in many competitive games. I only play for fun anymore and I don't mind the 4v4v4.

    I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't try hard if the option was available,. just that I'm a lot less stressed in the more casual eso experience . I think if this game was ever gonna have competitive PvP it would have happened by now.

    I just want more crazy fun bgs and I only play objective based bgs because I am competitive at heart I find dm to be so mindlessly boring I would rather play cod or bf than do bgs right now because even those have objective modes.

    It's extremely baffling to me why they would do this. I've never seen something like it before on my 20 years of mmo gaming, and any potential data they get from this will be completely useless because there's no other modes to compare it to.

    Are they just tracking how many people stop playing completely and how many new players queue for dm only?? I don't get it
  • mmtaniac
    We need new bg maps and changes to objective mode and deathmatch.

    Problem with deathmatch is lack mmr that work raise and fall when you lose or win ,this will improve matchmaking and make better teams probably.

    Problem with objective is most people ignore fighting but some people ignore objective.

    Best way will be add choosing and let people who like random play it and other players who don't like it ,let them choose games. Improve mmr and best way will be make it account wide on all characters ,this way new players will not met veterans in they first games.
  • Jeremy
    LordRukia wrote: »
    Eso could really use an alterac valley or arathi basin for example. I've loved bgs the most in any mmo I've played, but when you severely limit game modes then there's no point to play.

    I couldn't keep playing gw2 because they had one relevant mode for years and still to this day. It's a great way to kill your pvp player base and I don't want that to happen to eso.

    Mindless death match is ok once in a while, but it's not healthy for the long term. I'm not sure what data you expect to find, oh surprise more people are playing dm cuz it's the only option available woah? 🙄

    How about we increase rewards which are pitiful in bgs and give us more content instead of less, just a thought

    It's because objective-based battlegrounds, like defending or capturing flags, encourages players to split up instead of staying teamed up and focusing on single targets so they can't fight back or stay alive for any reasonable amount of time.

    A lot of PvP players on this game - and the developers - don't appear to like fair fights or battles that last more than a few seconds. Everyone needs to get ganged up on and die super fast, preferably in a second or less, and with no chance to fight back or escape. That's the goal.

    So anything that gets in the way of that awesomeness, and them racking up as many "kills" as possible, must be removed or nerfed.

    Edited by Jeremy on 26 October 2021 22:48
  • Rakdos
    New map and new mechanism is always welcome...

    There not many change in terms of PVP since the game launch
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