Waking Dreams | PC NA | Casual Social Guild | All Welcome!

Waking Dreams is a small casual social guild, founded by a group of experienced players that love ESO & all things Elder Scrolls. Our main aims are having fun & helping each other with group content. We welcome all like-minded souls, regardless of knowledge or skill level. NEW PLAYERS WELCOME!!!

We offer:
- An inclusive, laid-back, pressure-free environment.
- Friendly, helpful members with a great knowledge base.
- Groups for daily quests, dungeon runs, world bosses, skyshard hunts & more.
- Master crafters to help with gear.
- Guild hall with multiple mundus stones, attuned sets, crafting stations, transmute station, outfit station, bankers & merchants.

We have members from all over the world but we’re most active evenings EST/EDT when we run our regular guild events.

We’d love to have you come & help us create something special! If you’d like to join our cult guild you can leave a message here, find us in the Guild Finder, message me in-game @Soul_Soliloquy or ask in our Discord server https://discord.gg/ujWzb2NQu7
GM Waking Dreams | PC NA
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