Looking for a mature guild willing to help a newbie.

Soul Shriven
Hi There! Thanks for checking in on the thread. I'm hoping to find a good group of people to enjoy the game with. I'm still learning the game and all the quirks and really am liking playing it. I would love to find a mature group of people that I could get to know and play with! I'm not a fan of the mass guild spam I see going around as that usually sacrifices quality for quantity and usually that ends up with just being a face in a crowd.

Would love to find a group of people that's willing to answer questions (like how do I join a guild) as well enjoy laughing and having fun!

Thanks for your time!
Black Magix
  • afia2000
    I'm new to elderscrollsonline, been playing since the end of December/early January of this year. I joined 3 guilds about 3 months in and have made a few friends that have my back in any delve and give some great advice. Defenders of Sovngarde, Unbroken Outcasts and The Gaming Council II. I like all three--The Gaming Council's farming parties and housing contests, the DoS skyshard hunting groups and the Unbroken Outcasts as my go-to world boss pwning peeps. I'd recommend any or all of the three--whichever suits your taste.
  • kuhjaknight
    I might be biased, but I like the guild I am in: Shadows of Silence. We have people from all levels of skill. We can definitely help you go from a brand new Soulshriven to a veteran trials expert!
  • alex.schwabb14_ESO
    Hey BlackMagix,

    I run a small tight nit social guild if your interested and want to chat my discord is Wyvernflame#3188
  • Mistindantacles
    Hello, Black Magix!

    Whether you're looking for casual, Vet, or whatever your play style and wants, Guild Medieval might be the home you're looking for. Our commitment to a drama free, family-oriented, people focused environment all but guarantees a relaxed and friendly atmosphere no matter your play style.

    Read more about us here.
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