This is weird and I don't know how to begin to troubleshoot it.
I'm playing in full screen borderless windowed mode, and occasionally my mouse stops being able to interact with anything until I click on the game. It's as if the entire game window loses focus to... nothing, and the mouse is just hovering over the deselected game window until I click on it again. But it's JUST THE MOUSE, because I can still issue keyboard commands.
I have tried switching to full screen mode to see if that fixes it... it doesn't, what it does instead is immediately minimizes the game window. When I try to tab back into the game, it flickers up for a second, then minimizes again.
It's as if something invisible in Windows 10 is randomly stealing focus from the game, intermittently when I'm playing in windowed mode, and a lot more frequently when I switch to full screen mode.
Has anyone encountered this? Is there a fix? Is it from a recent Windows patch?