Arkthzand Research Crash

Soul Shriven
I got eso plus to do the quest line but I am getting crashed every time i enter the game. My character is stuck in the arkthzand research wing and I cant get him out. Eso plus is going to waste
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 17 August 2021 20:18
  • Fennwitty
    Make another character and submit a help ticket explaining the issue. Customer service can move your character to a different location.
    PC NA
  • Ruhlf
    Me too! This is a real weird scenario. I can log in with other characters - but my guy in the library crashes every time he steps forward. It’s real weird. These crashes are as sudden as the ones plaguing PS5 at the moment. Not sure if they’re connected.
  • Ruhlf
    I want to add that I’m on PS5, running the PS5 version with updated graphics, on a NA server.
  • Ruhlf
    Update. I ultimately had to very carefully port out using the map. This was after at least half a dozen crashes. I’ll update if the same thing happens when I return to the library.
  • Ruhlf
    Second update. Quested all over the zone. Crashed twice entering a delve. Once entering. Once leaving. Quested some more. Used shrines to pop around the zone. No crashes.

    Walked back into the Library. Crashed again.

    Logged back in. Walked forward inside the library. Crashed.

    I’m reading that this is a problem with the other story related locations in Markarth, as reported here in this forum. As far as I’m concerned this is a game-breaking bug. We can’t progress in the story ):

    Could we get some official word on this?
  • ZOS_Bill

    We have sent you a forum PM to get further details about your stuck character.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • cynicalbutterfly
    JamieEren wrote: »
    I got eso plus to do the quest line but I am getting crashed every time i enter the game. My character is stuck in the arkthzand research wing and I cant get him out. Eso plus is going to waste

    Switch to PS4 version to do that section. It's the only way. I've reported the bug over and over. Even talked to support to move my character. They moved the wrong one because I had used another one to submit the ticket. In the end, waiting 12 hours for the other version to download was worth finishing that quest.
    Edited by cynicalbutterfly on 17 August 2021 20:37
  • possived
    JamieEren wrote: »
    I got eso plus to do the quest line but I am getting crashed every time i enter the game. My character is stuck in the arkthzand research wing and I cant get him out. Eso plus is going to waste

    Switch to PS4 version to do that section. It's the only way. I've reported the bug over and over. Even talked to support to move my character. They moved the wrong one because I had used another one to submit the ticket. In the end, waiting 12 hours for the other version to download was worth finishing that quest.

    they did the same thing to me, they moved the wrong character.
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