The Long Game Quest... BRICKED MY BRAND NEW PS5!!


I need a chief executirve on this please. in The Iron Wheel Headquarters, the game froze several times, the final time my TV hissed at me during the freeze, and my PS5 buzzed so loud and whirring and my entire PS5 froze up, and could not be shut down manually, all functions froze... I had to unplug from power, and now my PS5 is not functioning correctly.

This isn't just an annoying bug... it's not gamebreaking... it's console breaking.
  • Rittings
    *UPDATE* My sound on my TV also now sounds distorted and I think the hissing has potentially broken one of my internal speakers...
  • Rittings
    I just noticed THIS thread was closed....

    YOU CANNOT BRUSH THIS UNDER THE CARPET!!! This is a very specific bug, and you are WRONGLY throwing it in with the general crashes. Negligent isn't even a word that is strong enough at this point.
  • brandyvicious
    The same quest also caused 2 consecutive bluescreens for me on the PS5. This on top of all the bluescreens I experience in Harborage quests is greatly irritating and frustrating. How am I meant to enjoy my new console if the one game I really want to play is so broken that I'm afraid it will break my console. Is my ESO+ subscription payment not helping to fund competent programmers?
    PS5/NA: brandyvicious-
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Greetings @Rittings

    If you haven't already, please go ahead and submit a support ticket with us at
    Edited by ZOS_Adrikoth on 6 August 2021 12:42
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Rittings
    I haven’t done it yet, because I’m struggling to get my pS to function long enough to do it.
  • Rittings
    Greetings @Rittings

    If you haven't already, please go ahead and submit a support ticket with us at

    Ticket submitted. I got a bot response asking me to power cycle… I’m honestly insulted by it.
  • Rittings

    Ticket no. 210806-002578

    Basically Christian in your team has suggested that the game freezing and breaking both my TV and console is the fault of Hitachi and Sony PlayStation…. And Zenimax have no liability… despite this issue being created and caused by them.

    Basically, what you are saying is that if I were to be on the road one day, and a maniac driver were to crash into me, I shouldn’t seek resolution with that driver, but actually blame my own car manufacturer (Toyota) for the incident and they should resolve it? This is a whole new level of buck passing.
  • Rittings
    Hitachi have said my TV is no longer under warranty too. And cost of repair exceeds the cost of purchasing external speakers…. I need someone to deal with this. This isn’t my fault…nor is it Hitachi’s or Sony’s.
  • daim
    TBH they should reward you for bringing this into their attention. If this is really happening it's a major flaw in the code, and seen others have had similar issues it well might be.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • the1andonlyskwex
    If a game is capable of bricking your console, that sounds like a problem at the OS or hardware/firmware level, not a problem with the game.

    Console developers should (and generally do) have built in safeguards to prevent applications from causing hardware damage. Similarly, nobody would intentionally design an HDMI port to send a signal capable of damaging a television based on only a command from application software.

    To me, this sounds like your PS5 had a catastrophic failure, which had nothing whatsoever to do with ESO. The fact that it happened to occur while you were playing ESO is pure coincidence.
    Edited by the1andonlyskwex on 7 August 2021 18:23
  • Rittings
    It’s no coincidence. There are multiple people having issues with this quest. It froze up my console and it was the sheer noise that broke my internal speakers upon freezing. It wasn’t a signal… it was the audio db levels and sound wave that did this. The console just froze up, and I’m guessing the cpu clock was over pushed by the intensity of it all. Had this been a one off, maybe you could attempt to blame console, but this isn’t a one off… it’s a specific flaw in the coding that everyone doing this quest is facing, that’s sheer negligence my guy,

    The fact they shut down someone’s thread and threw it in with the general PS5 freezes compounds the culpability.
  • VaranisArano
    If you haven't already, I would also suggest contacting Sony to inform them of what happened and specifically point them to the evidence that other players are having issues with this quest.

    Not only does that allow Sony to identify any problem on their end, but anything ZOS does to fix the problematic quest has to pass Sony's certification anyways.

    And, worse case scenario, if ZOS is dragging their heels, Sony might be able to get the ball rolling a little faster. They don't want ESO bricking their brand new consoles either.
  • ZOS_Bill

    As an update on your ticket 210806-002578, your last response was received and the ticket has been escalated. There will be a follow-up coming from support soon to assist with this issue.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Rittings
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    As an update on your ticket 210806-002578, your last response was received and the ticket has been escalated. There will be a follow-up coming from support soon to assist with this issue.

    I see that. Still awaiting a response from the upper team.
  • Rittings
    Still waiting...
  • Rittings
    Still waiting…
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