So I'm looking for a guild that teaches trials without all the elitism. I play every weekend.. just looking to learn and have fun.
Hi there!
Ell Eff Gee is always looking for new peeps to join trial shenanigans! We run several trials every weekend. We have a bunch of wonderful people that love to help with builds and mechanics. We also have an absolutely no elitism policy. It takes all the fun out of trials. We also do a lot of other fun stuff other than trials, like other PVE content, PVP, hide and seek, etc.
If you are interested, let me know. My in-game name is @NachoProblem. Feel free to send me a message.
I'm looking for a guild that's active evenings pst. I'm in 5 guilds at the moment so I'll have to drop one before I join yours but before I do that I'd like to join your guild's discord look at event schedules. You can PM me here or send a link in game if that's alright with you. My in game name is @kallixenia