ps4 voice chat in BG severely broken

If you go into BG, you can not switch to group chat most of the time, because the channel is just not there.
If you somehow manage to join the channel, or if you were already in it, you would not hear your own group.
But you can hear what seems to be a random person you have never seen before and is not in your group.

I talked a bit with those 'random' people. And it appears that when I am in a purple group in my own
battleground, I can hear the people from other purple groups in other instances of battlegrounds.

Even when my own battleground is over (and I'm definitely not in any group anymore), I can still talk to the
other person who is still in the other battleground.

Since I don't want to hear them, what do I do? I can not leave group chat, because I am not in a group
chat and it does not show a group chat channel in voice chat.
I can also not turn down the volume of player voice completely in options->audio->player voice. If
I turn it down completely I can still hear their voices!

Edited by ZOS_Bill on 20 October 2021 23:20
  • SerraKBella
    I am on Xbox one and today doing a Battleground I was all the sudden listening to a group talk that was not mine and I assumed I had somehow been voice grouped with an opposing team but at the end of the fight the people were still talking and I compared the names listed on the final battle sheet and they weren't even one of the groups.

    After leaving the BG I was still hearing them speak. I went right into another BG but I still had those four talking and the current group I was with were also using mics, but they showed up as white mic on my screen while the first four showed as blue as if they were my current group.

    I logged out and right back in and shockingly they were still talking. So I logged all the way out and re-booted my Xbox and the problem was fixed, but it was very confusing to begin with.
  • Ethar_Miraz
    Soul Shriven
    xyphrum wrote: »
    If you go into BG, you can not switch to group chat most of the time, because the channel is just not there.
    If you somehow manage to join the channel, or if you were already in it, you would not hear your own group.
    But you can hear what seems to be a random person you have never seen before and is not in your group.

    I talked a bit with those 'random' people. And it appears that when I am in a purple group in my own
    battleground, I can hear the people from other purple groups in other instances of battlegrounds.

    Even when my own battleground is over (and I'm definitely not in any group anymore), I can still talk to the
    other person who is still in the other battleground.

    Since I don't want to hear them, what do I do? I can not leave group chat, because I am not in a group
    chat and it does not show a group chat channel in voice chat.
    I can also not turn down the volume of player voice completely in options->audio->player voice. If
    I turn it down completely I can still hear their voices!

    That is good but there is better.
    Same issue happend to my guild leader (PS4). BG was over but still able to hear random ppl fighting.
    However, he still heard them after he closed the game, in the ps menu.😆
    He has it on video.
    This is some next level bug.
  • celner4_ESO
    I’m still having this issue and have to restart the game or my console to have any hope of it stopping. Haven’t found a way to temporarily fix it yet so it’s rather annoying, but hey at least the friends list seems to be working again thank the gods xD
    What is Truth? Not my own truth, and not your truth. But Universal Truth, that is an absolution.
  • ApostateHobo
    Idk how they still haven't managed to fix this. First we're stuck with broken trading and craft bags for a few months now we've got busted voice chats till who knows when.
    Edited by ApostateHobo on 2 August 2021 06:05
  • FruitBatVampire
    Soooo... Is this bug ever going to be fixed? Or is this a part of the game now.
    MY SHIEELLDDD!!!!!! How dare you fools make me drop it!!
  • ZOS_Bill
    As the issue with automatically joining area voice chat has now been fixed in the recent update, we are going to close this thread from further discussion.
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