Creideamh Prátaí, an Aus & NZ based guild is recruiting

Creideamh Prátaí, the Official Religion of the Potato, is an Australian/New Zealand/Oceanic based guild.
Founded by a close group of friends, Creideamh Prátai values a culture of friendliness and acceptance in all our members, while maintaining a relaxed and fun environment. We support LBGTQ+ members of the community, including those within our leadership cohort.

Creideamh Prátaí undertakes all types of content in ESO, including:

• coordinated Trials (normal and veteran and occasional meme runs)
• dungeon runs and achievement clears
• overland events (zone stomps)
• gear farming
• kowtowing at our potato altar

We welcome select members who we feel will add to the rich potato bake that is Creideamh Prátaí and will make us more fun and flavoursome.

Additionally, we will consider applications from Sweet Potatoes who can contribute materially to the growth of our guild.

Please reply to this thread with your @ID or message @TheLawndart ingame for further information.
  • CallMeKismet
    Soul Shriven
    Easily one of the most inclusive and easy-going aussie guilds I have joined. If you’re looking for a place to improve yourself in-game, have fun, and meet like-minded people then it’s definitely the right place to be. This guild alone has vastly helped improved my skills as a dps and brought many opportunities to play & complete end-game content.
    Edited by CallMeKismet on 30 July 2021 09:28
  • azzatinks90
    Keen for an invite if I can grab one guys
  • Lawndart
    Keen for an invite if I can grab one guys

    Sure, just drop your in game @name here or message me ingame @TheLawndart and we'll get one sent out.
  • azzatinks90
    In game name is @sluzzaguts
  • Lawndart
    In game name is @sluzzaguts

    Invite will be sent shortly...welcome aboard :)

    Edited by Lawndart on 7 August 2021 02:18
  • Lawndart
    We're growing really nicely guys. 300+ members with a solid group of friendly, active players. Guildhall is 90% complete, discord has all weekly events listed and a range of guides and help for members to access.

    If you're looking for a guild to join, send in an application.
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