Hello, my name is Alex (Shredder225) and I have been playing ESO on the Xbox for nearly 6 years now. I have 10 characters and 3 of which are Dragonknights, my favorite class. I have an image suggestion that to me and many guild members is highly desirable. This pertains specifically to two skills within the Ardent Flame skill tree and more specifically to ENGULFING FLAMES and BURNING EMBERS. As you likely know the Fiery Breath skill morphs into Noxious Breath or Engulfing Flames. Similarly, the Searing Strike skill morphs into Venomous Claw or Burning Embers. The issue I have with Engulfing Flames and Burning Embers is that they are not the best for differentiating between other Dragonknight abilities. The Engulfing Flames image just looks too much like random fire and blends with the other skill images in the class while looking somewhat like Flames of Oblivion. The Burning Embers image looks way too similar to the Earthen Heart skill Molten Weapons and even more so like that skills morphs Igneous Weapons and especially Molten Armaments. In fact, the Burning Embers image nearly appears to be the exact same image as Molten Armaments. What I am wondering is if it would be possible for the Engulfing Flames image and the Burning Embers image to be changed? I even have a somewhat possible solution that doesn't require new images to be created since there are some older images that use to be in the Ardent Flame skill line that have been retired. The ENGULFING FLAMES current image could be replaced with the previous Burning Breath image as that image is much more related to what the active ability does and depicts if better without looking so much like another ability (Flames of Oblivion). The BURNING EMBERS current image could be replaced with the previous Unstable Flame image as that image relates to the base ability and doesn't look so much like the other abilities (Igneous Weapons and Molten Armaments). I have attached the image for the retired Burning Breath that would make a suitable replacement image for ENGULFING FLAMES and I have attached the image for the retired Unstable Flame that would make a suitable replacement image for BURNING EMBERS. I know this may seem like such a mundane request but I am so passionate about this game and everything in it that I really think this makes a difference. Especially considering the current images have such similarities to other images in this class. This small change makes a huge impact in my opinion and I spoke with other long term players and Dragonknight fans who really agreed with me. Please let me know if this is a possibility or if you can get me in contact with the individual who can make this a possibility. I would really appreciate it. I love ESO and intend do continue playing it as long as it's around. I would love to see this change made on the Dragonknight and hear your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my message.