Currently there's lots of misinformation about the test and lag in forums.
Me and my friends usually play in grayhost in the morning until it gets too laggy to play.
Before proc test = at 3-3-3 pop, game starts getting unplayable... usually have to stop playing around 12 pm PST
After proc test = at 3-3-3- pop, game is very playable... usually can keep playing grayhost until about 3 pm PST
In other words, PEAK lag feels the same, but with procs disabled the server can handle a larger population and remain playable.
Which means we're on to something here.
Suggestion based on these tests:
Refine allowed set list to include a handful more sets
open an extra server
lower population cap by 1 bar
disable hammer
milegate/bridges non-destructible
revert cross healing changes