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Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase—January 2021"

  • belfong
    I’m glad they are bring back some old stuff. Don’t forget that many of us is relatively new to the game, so having some returning things are good for us.

    Personally, I am looking forward to a sale in the cat assistants.
  • Aptonoth
    Well this is extremely disappointing. No Stone Eagle Aerie huh? Limited selection... You guys really don't want my money do you?

    Just make everything available all the time at a normal price and then just put things on every other business that tries to sell me stuff. You guys miss out on so much money because by time something comes up for sale, i am no longer interested in buying it. If it was available when i wanted it instead of once a year( if we are lucky) you would have been able to make a lot of sales off me alone. But this limited selection limited time stuff, i mostly ignore the crown store

    They space new homes 2 months apart sometimes up to 3. This is an old pattern.
  • Anotherone773
    Aptonoth wrote: »
    Well this is extremely disappointing. No Stone Eagle Aerie huh? Limited selection... You guys really don't want my money do you?

    Just make everything available all the time at a normal price and then just put things on every other business that tries to sell me stuff. You guys miss out on so much money because by time something comes up for sale, i am no longer interested in buying it. If it was available when i wanted it instead of once a year( if we are lucky) you would have been able to make a lot of sales off me alone. But this limited selection limited time stuff, i mostly ignore the crown store

    They space new homes 2 months apart sometimes up to 3. This is an old pattern.

    It's not just that, the whole LTO crown store thing is just stale. There are things i would buy, but cant because they are never on sale, and i dont constantly check the store for new sales because, nothing i ever want is on sale. This marketing method they use is extremely outdated and it currently only works on television advertising. People who are using computers, phones, consoles, etc where all available items are only a credit card number away, don't care about LTO. They are not use to waiting for things on this medium and if you are doing LTOs they are passing you by and spending their money elsewhere.

    I hope MS updates their marketing strategy being a tech company they probably wont let this dated ineffective system that misses a large number of sales, persist. You don't pay $7.5 billion for a company that is only willing to sell people products as hobby. Shopping in the crown store is like shopping on Etsy. Better buy now because quantity is severely limited... which works when i am buying a handcrafted physical item that is shipped to my house...not so much when its colored dots on my computer screen.
  • Minyassa
    Still no sign of the tandem Dwemer spider...I hope to gods they are not going to throw that in as a gem mount.
  • GrimTheReaper45
    No datamined highelf dress or stone eagle house :'(
  • Faulgor
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Will the combined race + name change token also be on sale? Because otherwise it will be a pretty useless discount ...

    Ah, yes, the famous Breton hero of Tamriel, Sways-Tail-Gently. And her trusty High Elf companion, Dugrash gra-Borkul

    The Race change token is 3000 crowns, name change 2500, both together 3500. If they only reduced the price of the race change token (again), it would have to cost less than 1000 crowns to be worth it. Otherwise you are just punished for having lore-appropriate names.

    I mean, there's a reason why they gave out 3 free race and name change tokens when they changed the racial passives. Who wants to run around with a female Imperial called Shurkul gro(!)-Khagra?
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Nairinhe
    To fuel up tinfoil spirit (jk): race change token goes off sale right before the season reveal, on 21st.

    But yay! to Dibella's Garden and to the motif release!
  • SammyKhajit
    Maybe the Linchal Manor... very tempting and will be nice to have a place at the Gold Coast.

    But what is with the Ysgramor helmet? Yes, he was an elf killing maniac but a two pronged helmet that looks like a North American power plug?!
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    But what is with the Ysgramor helmet? Yes, he was an elf killing maniac but a two pronged helmet that looks like a North American power plug?!

    That's how Ysgramor is depicted in Skyrim:


    Hope he doesn't show up where you live and roast your outfit with his voice of voices ...

    Edit: Here's another depiction of Ysgramor from ESO. That's implied to be him in front with the horns.

    Edited by tsaescishoeshiner on 8 January 2021 01:52
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • SickleCider
    Thank you for bringing back the siegemaster horse. 🧡 I was so disappointed to miss it the first time.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • RedMuse
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Still no sign of the tandem Dwemer spider...I hope to gods they are not going to throw that in as a gem mount.

    @Minyassa Apparently that mount proved to be very badly bugged. As in, "got the leading player banned if they crashed" bugged.
  • Minyassa
    RedMuse wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Still no sign of the tandem Dwemer spider...I hope to gods they are not going to throw that in as a gem mount.

    @Minyassa Apparently that mount proved to be very badly bugged. As in, "got the leading player banned if they crashed" bugged.

    Augh, that's a *horrible* bug, yikes, no wonder. I hope this does not get abandoned, though, I was very excited about being able to drive my friend around like a maniac and see if I could make her yell at me.
  • FrancisCrawford
    So I guess this is confirmation that the next event is Midyear Mayhem, the name notwithstanding. Call me slow, but I've just figured that out. :)

  • MaisonNaevius
    Skingrad palace and a gratuitous reference to the Deadlands. Hint, hint.

    I especially see the Anvil Palace.
    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • Radiance
    Bring bacc the Storm Atronach Crown Crates tho...

    Why haven't we had any old crates return the past few months!?
  • Aphelion___
    My request: PLEASE GIVE US MORE NEW FEMININE CLOTHES THAT ARE NOT OLD REPEATS OR LONG DRESSES. ALSO the hazardous style reminds of dark brotherhood with vials. SO boring. And how about a new feminine hairstyle?? There’s maybe 5 good female hairstyles in the whole game. Ohhh and if you’re never gonna bring back the wildhunt crates (going on 3 years now) at least give us new makeup choices. The face markings NEVER cater to women in this game (or at least they really haven’t in a few years)
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