Memory Leak Issue on Mac Client

Please fix the memory leak issues on Mac client..
I have to constantly quit the client and relaunch it to get rid of the rubber-banding, lag, freezing etc.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    You may want to delete ShaderCached.cooked. At least for me last patch fixed those issues however in addition I had to recreate this file.

    Also lag and latency is common to both Macs and PC, and has little to do with client.
  • HappyElephant
    Let me try that.
  • HappyElephant
    Did not help.
    The poor performance happens consistently in situations where there is heavy combat like in vMA.
    The more the NPCs attack me, and the more I use skills to defend/attack the worst the performance.
    This game is so broken.
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