Any chance for a final Nascent Indrik pet to make that collection complete as well?ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »Which berries are you still able to buy? The feathers are still available for anyone who wants a final Nascent Indrik for their collection.
GuildedLilly wrote: »Never seen a ghost either-- & I play on multiple characters on 4 servers (PC NA/EU, XB1 NA/EU). I wonder if you have to be an imperial to occasionally see them? Or maybe my RNG's just that bad :P
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »We do not have any plans for new Indrik variations in the future or to bring back the 2019 evolutions at this time.
MornaBaine wrote: »So literally the only new thing is the Snowball Buddy pet? Anyone have a pic of this thing?
driosketch wrote: »Got the last crimson indrik berry. Already had feathers, so got the base one back. Snowball came in a rune box from a gift box. After getting the the indrik pet there is nothing left for me to buy.
Guess I'll just buy the pages and sell the writs I find. Don't think I've ever been this far ahead for an event. I guess it's good for those buying missed berries. And if you missed it, snowball comes in gift box.
Literally not. There are also Rkindaleft weapon styles
MornaBaine wrote: »
Ah thanks. Sadly, not a thing I'm interested in either. This is the first year I haven't played the heck out of this event since it began.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »The feathers are still available for anyone who wants a final Nascent Indrik for their collection.
Kelinmiriel wrote: »
I tried to find some definitive answer about whether feathers would still be available next year, but couldn't find anything official here on the Forum, nor was there any announcement. I know a lot of people who couldn't afford both berries and feathers have been focusing their priority on berries, which have always been very limited time - but feathers haven't.
There was indication that feathers might still be available next year, at least for the first two events, as they were for Mid-Year Mayhem and Tribunal on the PTS.
Since many people were operating under the mistaken impression that feathers would still be available, at least for a while longer, perhaps it might be possible to have the Impresario's assistant offering them? If it's already decided that the Impresario will not have them available at all.
Please give people a chance to use those berries they've earned, or even purchased. Thank you.
SerraKBella wrote: »Is there another way to turn in Imperial Charity writs now that the vendor is gone or do we have to wait a year to turn those in?
Kelinmiriel wrote: »
Imperial Charity writs can still be turned in, although it's not obvious. I happened to be turning one in just as the event was ending, and noticed that the NPC was still standing there, with an option to talk to her, so I did.
She said that she would ALWAYS be there whenever anyone came to donate.
That is indeed the case - she's not there unless you have a writ active (and perhaps ready to turn in, I haven't checked that part.)
If you need her - she's there.