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Battlegrounds w/Friends (Ideas)

Before the solo-queues, teams were inconsistent. One player could end up with a bunch of pre-mades & everything was disastrous. I want to remove this problem but still let players queue together. “Idea A” is ideal in my opinion, but I’d say “Idea B” would be more successful because it doesn't add too many queues. Keeping the solo-queue is important. But we need to be able to play together with friends. That’s even more important. Reasoning behind these ideas is to eliminate that lone player ending up with pre-mades of any size.

Idea A:
-Keep solo-queue.

-Introduce squad-queues that require only full teams. Much like dungeon queues.

-Introduce duo-queue. All teams will have two duos in each team.

This way, every match will have an equal amount of pre-mades.

Potential problem: There will be a total of three main categories to queue in, in addition to the tree subcategories for game modes. This would require a lot of players to queue for each category to lessen the queue time. The alternative is “Idea B”.

Idea B:
-Keep solo-queue.

-Introduce a second queue. You can only queue with either a full squad or as a duo. This will ensure that groups of players can queue together & teams will consist of either two duos or a full pre-made.

Disclaimer: I just want to present my ideas to the community and ZeniMax. If you don't like my ideas, that's fine. It's impossible to please everyone. If you or anyone have better ideas or builds on my ideas, that's fine. We're here to make the game good for everyone.
Edited by Noxji on 7 September 2020 16:25
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    1 single queue but with the following option:
    'Allow group splitting'
    Queue as a group of 1-4. When the leader of the group (or you as a solo) queues they choose 'allow group splitting' - by default it is ticked.
    This way the queue first searches for groups of the same size to match together vs eachother. If it doesn't find any it splits the players up into different teams randomly (ideally by roughly balancing team MMR / roles if possible). This way you're still playing in the same game as your friends but might be fighting eachother too if there aren't other groups to face.

    If the leader chooses to not allow group splitting they might face much higher queue times but when they do finally get a match it will be against other groups.

    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on 18 September 2020 11:38
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
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