pauld1_ESO wrote: »
Yea I've seen that a lot too. Also seen a ton of people in Cyrodiil fighting someone else and not even paying attention to me yet they time their dodge rolls perfectly to coincide with my attacks, not spamming either.
There are known cheat egnines for this kind of thing, but without even reading the thread I am sure everyone said it is skill, no one cheats in ESO...
kingsforged wrote: »I've seen it several times now on my Nightblade, players with no other enemies or any action going on around them will suddenly dodge roll my attacks from stealth. No detection, no provocation, they just "suddenly" know to dodge roll to avoid my attack without even looking at me. I've also had some players try to aim light attacks at me in stealth despite not being detetced.
There's clearly an add-on or some cheat script they're using to warn them of attacks or automatically dodge rolls for them, there's no way they've seen me and there's no way they just "randomly" rolled at that point as it's PRECISELY when it needs to dodge the attack.
With a little experience (and no lag) it is very easy to predict ambushes and dodge roll.
russelmmendoza wrote: »
There is no video that someone can dodge a sneak attack, unless you know it coming before it is initiated, or unless you detected a stealth player trying to ambush you.
Player dodge roling before a stealth attack lands has sixth sense or divine foresight.
Please show me a video that you dodge roll before a stealth attack landed on you. In a bg match and not a mock battle where you ask your friends to stealth attack you so you can dodge roll that.
I have been playing bg since it started, there is no music change when ever I attack from stealth.FriedEggSandwich wrote: »
@russelmmendoza The game music changes, my dude. Being targeted causes combat music to play. I don't just mean moving crosshairs over someone, I mean moving crosshairs over someone and then pressing the skill button will play their combat music, even before they take any damage. Hitting your skill button signifies your intent to engage them in combat, and the game plays their combat music. The further you are from them the longer the travel time for the damage, and the more time they have to think. If the person was already in combat then maybe they were dodge rolling something they could see, or just anticipating. There are explanations. If you see something you can't explain then record it as evidence. I'm sure there are cheaters out there, but some people have been getting ganked since 2014 and just roll instinctively when the game tells them there's potential combat.
russelmmendoza wrote: »I have been playing bg since it started, there is no music change when ever I attack from stealth.
Even if I attack a lone player, I swear I do not hear a change in music when attacking from stealth while playing bg.
And I have been playing bg as a nightblade since bg started.
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »
Yeah I feel a bit silly because I didn't notice this was in the BGs section and my posts have been relating to cyrodiil. But in BGs I think it would be even harder to be sure it was cheaters; people just roll because they haven't rolled since roll cooldown. In your previous post you ask for videos, but the onus is on the cheat accusers to provide evidence. I think there are probably cheaters in the game, but you can't go around saying everyone who anticipates damage is cheating because there's no way they could know without divine foresight, especially in BGs. I have dodge roll bound to mouse wheel up, and I knock it on accident all the time, and even more often in BGs.
russelmmendoza wrote: »
Yeah I thought so, maybe in cyrodiil there would be sound cues for a stealth attack, we dont have it in bg though, lol.