Really bad ping currently?

So from northeast NA and ping usually sits around 100-120ms but this morning, it's been extremely bad by my standards. Ping keeps jumping from 370 to 610ms essentially making barswaps take half a second more.

Anybody has issues like that?
  • mairwen85
    So from northeast NA and ping usually sits around 100-120ms but this morning, it's been extremely bad by my standards. Ping keeps jumping from 370 to 610ms essentially making barswaps take half a second more.

    Anybody has issues like that?

    Since Friday.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Ping can jump as high as 999 on a good night of pvp . Since switching to 5G this happens less now .
  • TequilaFire
    Chinese and Russians are hacking, lots are working from home.
    Surprised the internet hasn't exploded.
  • TineaCruris
    For the last 18 months or more, yes, really bad latency.
  • ZOS_Bill
    For the latency issues you are experiencing while playing, you can try the troubleshooting steps here and here which may improve your ping.
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  • Starfyrez
    Soul Shriven
    My pings usually between 87-100, currently yoyoing between 200-1050... Nothing downloading on Steam, nothing else using my network but ESO. Whats going on? Am on EU server.

    Edit: With a router and pc restart I'm back to a solid 87ms, thank goodness!
    Edited by Starfyrez on 29 July 2020 18:22
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