Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

POTL change doesn't affect me because as a stamplar I don't use it at all. Next skill to remove...

Power of the light does not fit well with my build so I have removed it and never used it for maybe 2 yrs...

I recently decided to try it with a different build and I was killing people left and right easy... but then I found out 2 days later in the patch notes it was a bug and over performing. So I removed it off and went back to the old build.

Now, the skill I hate the most but have to deal with is Jabs...Stamplar = Jabs....

Stamplar is not a warrior... stamplar is not a light bearing being...stamplar is not a healer...stamplar is not defensive...stamplar has no identity...execpt Jabs....

Every build I make on stamplar is better on a different thus this means stamplar has no identity... except only jabs...

I find it similar to this....

Edited by LuxLunae on 17 July 2020 01:17
  • Appo
    Stamplar is in a very bad place atm, stamplar main.
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