Error 102 - DownloadError_InvalidMetafile

The guide did not solve anything :(
The repair feature does nothing, says downloading 0% for a few minutes then prompts the Error 102 message again.

Not a Firewall issue
Not a Antivirus Issue
Internet downloads files just fine.

If you like me are stuck at this point try the below steps.
This is how I have solved it before. (and today)

1. Close the Client
2. Go to the client Launcher folder and delete the ProgramData folder. (as sugested in the guide, however w/o step 3 it solves nothing)
3. Start a VPN client and change your location to ex. USA
4. Start the Launcher again
5. Now It will download the patch.
6. Close the Client
7. Disable VPN
8. Delete the ProgramData in the Launcher folder to get your "local Json file back"
9. Open Client and play.

This does not seem to be a ZOS error directly. I talked to my ISP and it seems somewhere between ZOS servers and my PC some of the files gets blocked. and the ISP have no interest in allowing the files to pass their network as they see them as "dangerous" of course with all of the daedric monsters that comes with a patch I guess it they are.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Since none of the troubleshooting we recommend here for Error 102 has worked, you can go ahead and start a ticket with customer support for further assistance.
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  • Ragemar
    @ZOS_BillE, thanks problem is that ZOS support can not help in this situation.

    The "problem" is located at the ISP who blocks some of the files needed for the Launcher to download the patch.
    The support told me this the first time I had the problem.

    I just made this post in case others had the same issue and came to search the forums.
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