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Let me play BG with my brother.


Kind reminder: ESO is a online game, and you play online games cos this way you can have fun with your FRIENDS.

The opinions about "premades are OP" is ridiculous. How can anyone say he/she lost cos of a premade group? Its also a possibility in the enemy team there was just simple 2 dude who knew what to do for 10 minutes. Even if it was a premade maybe in the next turn that 2 dude will be with you... (and you will still loss)

When I play bg together with my bro, or wife yes... its a big advantage that we can talk... and we usually talk about food, dark matter, or philosophy. Since there is NO competitive leader board we are all here to just have fun. IS IT RLY MATTER THAT MUCH TO THE BLAMERS TO ABSOLUTELY RUIN OTHERS GAME? And the developers follow that lead?
In Cyrodiil we can not play "1-2 fast run" to have fun. In a 30v30 fight there is no self-fulfillment. We, and a lot of other players we just simple dont like Cyrodiil kind of fights. Sometimes its fun, but its not battleground. Its just an open world in a open world.

If i loss cos of a real "premade" I loss. I will win next time... or after that... who cares? There is no global leader board, no win/loss ratio... it absolute doesnt matter. If I loss cos 3-4 random dude having fun together its great. Good for em! I also like to play with my friends. Maybe in the next run the enemy "premade" will be unbelievable bad, and I will win. Its also an option. Its not a problem, its not a big deal, but the developers shouldn't throw away the group que option as a "ballance"... we all know losing is a part of the game, and we all know its not ballance. ITS JUST MAKES THIS GAME LESS, AND LESS.
I want to play in a world what is increasing, and not in one what is slowly disappearing cos of hate.


In this unique ESO 4v4v4 system WHO CARES if there is a premade group, or team or whatever? There will be 2 winner, and 1 loser. If cos of ANY reason you believe: "Ohh damn its a premade AGAIN!" than just change strategic and in that round fight for the 2. place. Strategy is a important part of the BG. If you are in a third place a lot of time in a 4v4v4 you should start to think about how to improve your character.


If cos of any reason the developers believe premade groups are the problems here is 2 idea:

- Allow only maximum 2 man groups to join together, and create teams with a maximum of 1 2man group in each team.
- Create totally separated group que. (the waiting time would be longer, but if that is the only price it still worth it)

I hope soon the developers will say something about this. If there will be group que its good. If not its very sad, but it would be good to know what to expect. Playing with an online game where u can not play with your friends...

  • wheem_ESO
    I hope the old system of premade-vs-solo never returns. Sure, it stinks for the ultra-casual "premades" that aren't really coordinating Ult dumps, or running cheese-heavy setups, but that's a price we have to pay.

    There were times on PC-NA where you'd end up facing the same premade again and again and again, essentially ruining hours worth of playtime. And the play session wasn't ruined just because you'd lose, either; the gameplay experience itself was usually garbage in those games. So many times you'd have only 1 or 2 teammates, and stand no chance in a fight against a coordinated premade with a dedicated healer. The only ways to get kills were either to steal them from the premade (which for a Magicka Warden was basically impossible unless you got lucky), or win a quick fight against the other non-premade team before the tryhards managed to run in and Ult dump everyone at the same time. Or occasionally you'd sneak in a kill because one of the premade players would separate from his/her group trying to chase down someone else.

    Sure, there were occasions where a group of solo queued high MMR players could beat a premade, but that wasn't exactly reliable, especially during off-hours.

    I don't think very many people are against having a separate queue for premade-only games, though I'm betting that many people would end up disappointed with it (which may be why Zenimax hasn't bothered). Without some real effort put into re-balancing things, I think the queue would be dead most of the time.

    Allowing duo queues to be mixed in with solo queues might be fine, as long as the matchmaking system had the proper tweaks. Meaning things like: if a game only had one duo in it, their team would be matched up with the two lowest MMR players in the BG. No team should have more than one duo allowed, unless of course there were enough that each team was composed of 2x duos. And possibly some other criteria...I'd be fine with ZOS giving it a try for a patch, at least.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Rewans wrote: »

    This goes both ways, you know?
  • Vara
    We need TWO ques one for teams and one for solo. This is an MMO we need to be able to play with our friends !!!!
  • Rukia541
    There needs to be a middle ground, 2 player queue would be fine imo but I believe full premades are toxic vs non premade. They probably aren't going to make separate queues because that just makes the wait times ridiculous.

    Its easy to grab a friend and duo, but often you don't have a full party available and its unfair when facing full premades solo.

    I can at least use GW2 as a comparison, the premades issue was the same but they reduced it to duo only and its 10x better, you don't even notice it cuz often you have a duo on your team as well or mostly solo vs solo (teams are 5v5). Lets be honest, most of the time full premades are just there to completely faceroll the enemy team, not face any sort of challenge or fair gameplay.

    GW2 introduced 3v3 during off-season with full premade vs solo q and its complete cancer , if you aren't premade you stand 0 chance. I don't get how devs keep making the same mistakes, premade comps are op asf. In hots they reduced team stacking to duo and it was the best season we ever had, go back to premades and its trash again. They can absolutely stomp solos and no one wants to play vs that.

    Lets make it fun for all. Duo queue! Its the easiest compromise.

  • Katheriah
    Premade vs premade would be fine, but let's be honest: a good, coordinated group with voicechat has a huge advantage over any group of people that were randomly added.
  • Artemiisia
    Its quite easy, they said they wont change it, and im guessing the reason is they can see how many more now play bgs then before the domination of premades, that just wanted to noob bash new players with their legendary gear setups.

    I do think two queues could be a fix, but then again I seriously doubt premades wanna go up against other premades in the long run
  • Artemiisia
    besides there are already two other modes of pvp where you can team up with friends, so let battlegrounds be like it is
  • Rewans
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    besides there are already two other modes of pvp where you can team up with friends, so let battlegrounds be like it is

    The two other modes are everything but not BG. It would force everyone who want to play with a friend to play "pvp" in an open world style. Its not the same, and its not fun.
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    they wont change it, and im guessing the reason is they can see how many more now play bgs then before the domination of premades, that just wanted to noob bash new players with their legendary gear setups.

    There was no time when only DUO ques was allowed so nobody have any statistic about how the DUO que would effect the BG mechanism. I think duo que is the salvation what can bring peace for both sides. If i want to play BG with just 1 friend than open worlds are so bad to play... If 1 another friend would join....... It still bad cos maybe we are not from the same alliance but FINE! We will find out something. Just make at least duo que possible.
    Rewans wrote: »

    This goes both ways, you know?

    Not it is not goes both ways. If anyone belive premade groups are some real problem than fine blame the loss that way, but instead of completely ruin others games its way better if you try to find some middle way like with options like duo que only, or separated group que, or anything else. Completely removing group que makes the full pvp part of this game garbage. "Only siths deal in absolutes." Think about it.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Rewans wrote: »

    Not it is not goes both ways. If anyone belive premade groups are some real problem than fine blame the loss that way, but instead of completely ruin others games its way better if you try to find some middle way like with options like duo que only, or separated group que, or anything else. Completely removing group que makes the full pvp part of this game garbage. "Only siths deal in absolutes." Think about it.

    Oh I'm not against a seperate group que. On the contrary, more options to those. My only gripe was that saying "solo only" ruined BG for others doesn't consider that the last iteration ruined BG for pugs. Thought I was quite clear.

    However, a few things to consider.
    a ) Rich Lambert said they aren't considering adding group que at the moment due to the numbers they have
    b ) get ready for follow up demands (What's about 3 man teams? etc)
    c ) Your quote deals in absolutes as well.
    Edited by Chilly-McFreeze on 3 June 2020 16:15
  • raistin87
    You, your brother and your two cousins are ruining it for everyone else. Go play cyro.
  • Commandment

    Here is my thread that will give you the answer from the devs that you really wanted to know.
  • Commandment
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    Its quite easy, they said they wont change it, and im guessing the reason is they can see how many more now play bgs then before the domination of premades, that just wanted to noob bash new players with their legendary gear setups.

    I do think two queues could be a fix, but then again I seriously doubt premades wanna go up against other premades in the long run

    So gearing up, and earning gear is not fair based on your argument?
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