LF active guild

Soul Shriven
Good day,

I’m looking for a semi-active/active guild. I have been playing MMO’s since 2011 (SWTOR) and am looking for a guild to help out who does dungeons, vets dungeons, trials and other things. I do have Discord, plus can use other chatting apps if need be. I am right now level CP 350 with a MagSorc, Templar Healer, Dragonknight Tank, plus a few other Mag DPS toons that I am working on. I’m fairly competent with mechanics in general, have done lots of (in SWTOR terms) Flashpoints, world bosses, Story and hard mode operations, and have worked on a team doing progressive hard and nightmare operations. I have done a few of the dungeons with PUGS, but would like a guild who can help with a bunch of the harder dungeons and trials to get achievements and also so I can help the guild in any way I can. You can message me online at “firstgen89sho” I am in Pacific time zone
Edited by Rejavarti on 14 April 2020 22:02
  • MechanicalMudcrab
    Sent you a guild invite and a message in game
  • ZekenRambo
    Come check out ¥ Tyranny ¥ a active guild dedicated to wiping out toxicity in ESO. We accept all players new or veteran, and tailor our content to include the maximum amounts of people in our events. We do PvE/PvP or if you just want chill people to talk too, we are social also.

    We chose events using a voting system on our guild discord, so YOU can have a choice in what we do as a guild! We have extremely veteran and friendly officers that will assist you as soon as they are able, YOU WILL HEAR BACK FROM ANY MEMBER IN THE GUILD YOU MESSAGE! If you whisper or psn someone in the guild it is guild rule when that person is able to message you back! Nobody gets ignored, and nobody gets treated unfairly. Zero toxicity and a whole lot of greatness.

    PSN message Xx-ZekenRambo-xX, or swing by our discord link below and ask any officer for a guild invite!

    Dark Elf, Ebonheart Pact
    OIC, The Best Around (TBA) Est. 2015
  • Toxic365
    Hey man I am the GM of the guild RECKLESS. We have new and VET players. still a small startup guild but we are active as can be. We are doing vet DLC dungs and working for skins usually with no issues. Would love to have you.
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