I'm lucky enough to have 2 PS4s so can play online games with my good lady in the same room. She plays on my primary account's ps4 logged in as herself, I play on her primary account logged in as me, so we can share content like ESO which I buy on my account specifically for us to play together, without me having to pay twice.
In the last sale, I bought the Eisweyr upgrade DLC. However, whilst I have access to this plus Morrowind and various othe things, she does not. After a bit of research it seems that this is just the way it is - a bit of a pain but I'm not here to rant about it.
I see Eisweyr is on sale again, so was considering buying it a 2nd time for her, but I'm not sure how to do it. Can I buy the ugprade on her account, or would I need to buy the full game? Would I need to reinstall from scratch or should it just pick up the changes? I obviously don't want to mess with either of our online characters.
I get the crown store stuff (which I want to steer clear of as it's incredibly expensive), but this is on PSN store only afaik.