Alienoutlaw wrote: »remove faction gets removed...................complain about it
Carespanker wrote: »Alienoutlaw wrote: »remove faction gets removed...................complain about it
If no faction lock was ever something people actually wanted "Standard" would have more than 15 AD in it pvdooring it all day. Open your eyes, all those guilds moved to Kaal after that update and never looked back.
There’s 30 day cp locked and unlocked. We’ll see which ones players want most now. Eventually the one with the highest, most consistent population will pull the other ones over.
Really happy with unlocked non cp myself, this is the campaign I as well as my guild prefer and when populations are 2-3 bars per faction the competition is still solid with fun and interesting fights.
We’ve switched factions previously a few times to balance populations both before and after faction lock, mainly because we know we can find better fights by being on the lowest pop or weakest faction. Knowing that we’ll no longer get stuck on a faction that quickly recovers from a down period when the holidays hit as happened to us last campaign in Bahlokdaan is great news.
Carespanker wrote: »There’s 30 day cp locked and unlocked. We’ll see which ones players want most now. Eventually the one with the highest, most consistent population will pull the other ones over.
Really happy with unlocked non cp myself, this is the campaign I as well as my guild prefer and when populations are 2-3 bars per faction the competition is still solid with fun and interesting fights.
We’ve switched factions previously a few times to balance populations both before and after faction lock, mainly because we know we can find better fights by being on the lowest pop or weakest faction. Knowing that we’ll no longer get stuck on a faction that quickly recovers from a down period when the holidays hit as happened to us last campaign in Bahlokdaan is great news.
We already know whats popular; The locked one lol. Every guild from every faction but ad left to Kaal from 7 day after the update and its no wonder you like it you're apart of the AD that pvd the map all day lmao. The only fights you will find are from pug groups or from the Kaal overflow.
Carespanker wrote: »I'll let you in on a secret of my own.
I speak to every gm in the game worth speaking to on the daily. My opinion is theirs. So when I tell you most GM's are movin' to Kaal when Daan unlocks you better believe it because I hear it from them.
My prediction for Non-CP is the same I had for 30-day standard, everyone leaves to kaal but 1 faction so they can pvd all day (Which ended up being AD). AD has theirs in standard, and EP rules Kaal. I bet Daan's DC stays and Kaal's DC leaves to it because they're tired of being last place in every campaign. Feel free to put money against me because I am very poor after giving all my gold away in the last faction event I hosted.
Oh and, in case you haven't noticed, making things official is sort of what I do. Have a nice day.
Carespanker wrote: »For those that don't know, Bahlokdaan is going to be non-locked. Judging by how well that went for 7-day standard and the current conversations in the Official PVP Discords between every PVP GM (Minus DC because they are still falling apart due to you know who), almost everyone plans on moving to Kaal from Daan after it becomes unlocked.
I don't know if you have even entered Cyrodiil recently Zenimax, but Kaal is already in 64+ ques every. single. day. And now you want all the players from Bahlokdaan moving there because you want to make non-cp non-locked? are you kidding me? The place already lags 18 hours out of the day and with the non-cp guilds moving over on top of that the place will be even more unplayable for even more hours of the day (if you manage to get in in the first place that is.)
So knowing this is most likely set up already without question or votes from the community (because that's how Zenimax rolls), zos is going to wait till its such an overwhelming problem to do anything about it as per usual. So ill go out of my way to start listing solutions they can use when that time comes along with the pros and cons of each of them.
1. Make 2 non-cp campaigns: It will be the first thing people will suggest without understanding what comes with that. The pvp community is shrinking every day due to various decisions on zos' part and the game only being playable seasonally for most players. This would ultimately lead to multiple dead campaigns where people would PvD all day to their heart's content.
2. Lower the campaign locks: This would lead to guilds forced to spread out to other campaigns evenly. This could go with the option above to spread out the player base. The cons behind this is that the player base wants to play with or against specific people or groups and splitting them will lead to players not liking it entirely due to the lack of player interactions.
3. (The cop out) Make Kaal's server bigger to accumulate all the other players: This is the least likely one to happen but would probably be the safest bet and make it so you can keep your current plan in check. The downside to this is that you would basically be openly admitting all other campaigns don't matter.
4. (Most universally hated idea) Abolish faction loyalty altogether and make Kaal non locked: It would solve the Kaal overpopulation sure... but I can already tell you almost every GM I know would quit if faction loyalty was gone. What's the point of being competitive if you can just swap to the winning team? It's terrible and I highly recommend straying against this option even though it's most likely to happen.
5. Relocking Non-CP again: This wouldn't change a thing but maybe that's for the best. It would stop the full migration to Kaal, and can be done with option 2 to populate to populate it with Kaal's overpopulation. The downside to this is Zenimax would have to say the only changes to pvp is new sets and a new artifact pvd device for all of Greymoor. I say bite the bullet and do that and work on the things that people actually want for pvp. (insert a link to Pain's reaction video to the pvp update here)
If you have any other suggestions for Zos to never read, post them below. All in all, I will almost put money on Zenimax not doing anything about this till they see it was a bad decision and all campaigns but Kaal become as dead as "Standard" but who knows, maybe dead pvp is what they apparently strive for to be the "standard" of their game.
KINGOFTHESKULLS wrote: »Gonna bring more PvP for sure but at what cost?
and More scroll trolling degenerates.
and More Spies.
and More siege trollers that turn your siege around.
and More hammer griefers.
You don't like the person grinding for emp ? swap to another faction and make their gaming experience like hell.
Here we go again , thank you ZoS.
If you care about the map and score , if you're a faction loyalist you're gonna be against this end of story.
If you're not , just go play a BG and don't abuse the campaign being unlocked.
From my opinion unlocking no cp will just take away the competitiveness and joyful experience of winning a campaign.
What's the point of winning when you can just swap to whatever faction that Is on top?
And then you will get some zerg surfers that get on any faction with the biggest group to get more AP.
It will just bring more toxicity even more than the current state.
Sorry we play on Bahlokdaan not laatvulon. And we were on DC for the previous two campaigns prior to this one as they were consistently the lowest population faction.
Sorry, I’m not the AD you’re looking for.
Apologies for not being formally acquainted with everyone on the universally last place faction yet. That's kind of why they are still in last place tbh.Sorry we play on Bahlokdaan not laatvulon. And we were on DC for the previous two campaigns prior to this one as they were consistently the lowest population faction.
Sorry, I’m not the AD you’re looking for.
It's almost like the person claiming to know the opinion of every GM on Bahlokdaan has no idea what's been happening on Bahlokdaan.