Furnishing suggestion: Clockwork benches and better actor boxes

Hi, I would like to point out the following shortcomings of the clockwork benches and workbenches in general:
  • There are no full outfitting station and jewelry station in clockwork/Sotha Sil style.
  • It is absolutely pointless to have a pedal powered woodturning lathe on a clockwork bench, especially when the workpiece in there is made of brass. Same is true for a workbench having dogholes and drawers in the same place. Clockwork-Woodworking-Station.jpg
  • It would be nice if workbenches in general would have actor boxes that do not get deactivated when putting things on them. It would allow us a higher degree of customization of functional benches if we could place bigger items on the surfaces, like a stool on a woodworking bench or a large fish on the Elsweyr grill.

Thanks for reading. :)
Edited by Salvas_Aren on 9 January 2020 18:55
  • Tigerseye

    I haven't used the Clockwork benches, personally, but it is disappointing that you can't place things on the workstations if you want them to still work.

    Seems ridiculous that placing a fish on the grill, or a cotton reel on a clothing station, would make them unusable.

    In the case of the former, I just have to place two grills side by side, or back to back, and only put stuff on one of them:

    Edited by Tigerseye on 10 January 2020 15:17
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