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Fishing achivement: how long does it take?

How long does it take to become a Master Angler? I want it because of the boat for my house. What I have now:
- a lot of different bite coming to my bag and sitting there since 2016
- Map Pins addon - I think it shows the fishing spots
- basic knowledge of fishing - the more players fish, the more is a chance to obtain a rare fish
- heared something about the potion recipe that gives a better chance to catch a fish

What is the estimated time to make achivement (if can be estimated at all)?
Edited by ZOS_Lunar on 14 April 2021 13:14
  • Rezdayn

    "Without the Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl food active, the average amount of white fish you catch in one Master Angler "run" is ~ 8,048 fish

    And with the Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl food active, the average amount of white fish you catch in one Master Angler "run" is ~ 5,438 fish"

    I did it before the fish bowl was out and took around 20k... so my rng was very bad...
  • VaranisArano
    Here's the main fishing stats guy:

    From his chart, anywhere from 8 days to a whole lot if you get sidetracked.

    I'd also grab Votan's Fishetman if you can, since it will make a sound alerting you when to reel in the line. I did my first Master Angler without it, but it made subsequent fishing much easier as you can read a book or something without having to watch the line constantly.

    As for time? It really depends on how much time and patience you have to spend. Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl does make it go a lot faster.
  • MJallday
    Mine took 119 real life hours if I recall. I did a blog post about it on here

    I would never do it on an alt but that said I’m down to my last 50 perfect roe
  • Raisin
    I did mine in a week, but spent quite a few hours per day fishing in the evening.

    The food is in my opinion very important if you're going I alone (you may meet people along the way though). There is also an add-on that filets fish for you, and an add-on that helps with fishing. The latter may feel too much like cheating for you, but my friend and I chose to do other things on the side (studying, chatting, reading, etc) and it's nice to just reel in based on an audio queue. They are both by Votan.
    Edited by Raisin on 30 December 2019 14:58
  • MJallday
    Just a disclaimer to the above only 30% of that time was with the food. It did speed things up though as well as fishing with friends
  • Donny_Vito
    The latter may feel too much like cheating for you, but my friend and I chose to do other things on the side (studying, chatting, reading, etc) and it's nice to just reel in based on an audio queue.

    If it wasn't "just fishing" then I'd probably agree it should seem like you are cheating, but at this point in the game it doesn't even really matter.
    Fishing achivement: how long does it take?

    If you want to do it legit, a long freakin' time. Get add-ons to do a majority of the work for you. But if you're not doing it for fun and if it also feels like work (e.g. having to use add-ons to reduce the stress/time it takes), then I'm not sure why you really want to do it anyways.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    I'd say about 10 hours per zone (if alone. It's quicker in groups).
    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on 30 December 2019 15:31
  • Royaji
    Enough to seriously consider quitting the game and doing something actually enjoyable. Multiple times.
  • TheShadowScout
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    How long does it take to become a Master Angler?
    It depends entirely on how lucky you are...

    But generally, expect to spend a few days playing all the time on this and nothing else. Hard to keep doing in one go I guess (I barely managed to do one region at a time before I had to quit fishing for a while for the boredom)
  • Shadow_Akula
    Took me forever cause I kept getting bored and sidetracked, but finally focused when I got to EP, Cyro and 3 blue coldharbour fish left, took a couple weeks to finish those, forgot how long the DC and AD zones took me though

    If going for the achieve I recommend having a tablet or a second tv/monitor screen so one can watch a tv series or do other things at the same time otherwise you’ll be very bored👀🙃

  • Hamish999
    My girlfriend and I did it in about a week and a half to 2 weeks, that was fishing as a pair and with Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl active. And doing very little else in game bar daily writs lol.
    Edited by Hamish999 on 30 December 2019 17:34
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD
    Rosara Laumont - Breton - Warden Healer - AD
    Do'Darri - Khajiit - Stam Arcanist - AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • AndyMac
    It would have been a lot quicker if not for certain fish lol.

    Seriously tho, I spent about two weeks of gameplay pretty much solid fishing. I used the Artaeum Fish food but was solo the whole time.

    I will say that due to past fishing, I had quite a few fish previously caught in AD areas. I left that till last as it would be the downhill run home.

    Actually seriously, I learnt to cycle around zones or water types as there are some fish which decide to be a total pain in the whatever.

    Rather than get psyched out, I went elsewhere just to keep moving forward with the achieve.

    Here’s some words of wisdom I got a while ago and they helped me get through

    It will drop eventually.
    Edited by AndyMac on 30 December 2019 23:44
    Andymac - Magicka DK - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror
  • akdave0
    From zero fish to master in two months. Used pots, fished with another when possible. Cyrodiil wasn’t terribly painful, malabol tor foul water was my moby ***. That last fish took days to hook.

    When you see that achievement pop, it is very satisfying. Now people say that angler is the toughest, mind numbing thing in the game, but grandmaster crafter was far more in depth. I mean true grand master, nine trait, all food, all alchemy, all enchants, ALL motifs. Ten million gold to buy unavailable or rare motifs, hundreds of real dollars to buy crown only motifs. When I see a grand master, I tip my hat, because I know they went through hell.
    Edited by akdave0 on 31 December 2019 14:25
  • Gnortranermara
    Using the food, it took me about 2 weeks, just a few hours each evening.
  • cyclonus11
    akdave0 wrote: »
    ... malabol tor foul water was my moby ***. That last fish took days to hook.

    That one took 3 days for me. I thought that was going to be the longest, but then the lake fish in Greenshade took 5 days.
  • Donny_Vito
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    akdave0 wrote: »
    ... malabol tor foul water was my moby ***. That last fish took days to hook.

    That one took 3 days for me. I thought that was going to be the longest, but then the lake fish in Greenshade took 5 days.

    Yeah my problem was that I wanted to get the fish zone by zone. I wouldn't start fishing in Stonefalls until I cleared Deshaan, and so on. But after struggling trying to catch a specific fish for a day or two, I would ultimately give up. The thought of fishing for 5 days in one zone is... rough.

    But I commend anyone who has gotten the Master Angler achievement. If anything, it's an achievement for having persistence and dedication that many of us just don't have.
  • VoidCommander
    Just thought I would update this thread with my newly aquired Master Angler title with the new CP changes. It takes about 1 hour per zone if you have Arteum Picked Fish bowl, exactly ONE extra person fishing with you, and the "Reel Technique" and "Angler's Instincts" CPs slotted. I was able to complete all of the achievements from scratch in about 16 hours over 4 days, which averages about 1 hour per zone.
  • Ratzkifal
    If you have a friend, you can be done in one week. That's how long it took me and I only had two zones completed before. The new CP, the food and friend bonus make it a lot more pleasant and honestly quite fast. Some zones are annoying of course and if you are fishing with a friend you sometimes need to wait for them to get their last fish so expect to be spending a minimum amount of time in each zone because of it. I got 2.5 zones done every day and only fished for a few hours per day.

    Cyrodiil is absolutely the worst zone of all and it's not because of players killing you. It's the worst zone because there are only three salt water spots in the entire zone and they are relatively far apart. A Dominion character will have the easiest time doing that achievement though due to the salt water being in Dominion home turf death won't result in having to ride across the entire map again.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Sylvermynx
    Only thing I can tell you is - it was fun. I ran 4 characters (one on each of two accounts, on both PC megaservers), rotating them day over day - took me about 6 months I think, total.

    I started with Cyrodiil. Wanted it out of the way. Picked the empty campaigns (different now of course) and really never saw many other players. Sometimes, op fac players fished with me... that was very cool! No one killed me.

    The rest of it was sometimes sucky. Shadowfen.... just UGH. Hate that zone, and the damn fish just refused to drop. That was the worst. Coldharbour wasn't much better - the fish there didn't drop well (on ANY of my 4 fishing folks) and while I'm not really bummed by the zone overall, the time I had to spend there eventually got to me.

    I'm ready to do 4 more. After MYM.....
  • jssriot
    It took me months, but that was before we had the new CP system and the Arteum food. Some fish eluded me for days, if not weeks. The blue saltwater fish in Eastmarch took me almost 2 weeks to catch. The foul water fish in The Rift and the lake fish in Rivenspire were a headache too. The foul water fish in Shadowfen were so tough to get that I named a toon after one of them to celebrate finally catching them all. And the Cyro fish...
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    Cyrodiil is absolutely the worst zone of all and it's not because of players killing you. It's the worst zone because there are only three salt water spots in the entire zone and they are relatively far apart.

    I got my MA achiev in late 2017. The blue water fish in Cyro was the last fish I needed and it took me almost a month of going to Cyro every morning and fishing the few saltwater spots there. It was my white whale. I still have that bleeping fish in my Master Angler's inventory. It's been there for 3 1/2 years (if you're wondering, it stop stinking ages ago--it's basically fish dust by now). I can't bare to vend it.

    I hope to get a 2nd MA eventually, namely the Argonian toon I named after the Shadowfen fish. I hear it's a lot easier now.

    PC-NA since 2015. Tired and unimpressed.
  • zaria
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    If you have a friend, you can be done in one week. That's how long it took me and I only had two zones completed before. The new CP, the food and friend bonus make it a lot more pleasant and honestly quite fast. Some zones are annoying of course and if you are fishing with a friend you sometimes need to wait for them to get their last fish so expect to be spending a minimum amount of time in each zone because of it. I got 2.5 zones done every day and only fished for a few hours per day.

    Cyrodiil is absolutely the worst zone of all and it's not because of players killing you. It's the worst zone because there are only three salt water spots in the entire zone and they are relatively far apart. A Dominion character will have the easiest time doing that achievement though due to the salt water being in Dominion home turf death won't result in having to ride across the entire map again.
    Its an second set of saltwater spots at the south east, go to the place there the EP border river goes into the sea and up the coast some hundred meters and you find couple of saltwater fishing spot. Might be more up the coast but I was not there to fish.

    Now the AD spot is pretty safe as long as AD hold the nearby fort and have the scroll in the temple inside as they will port to it rater than ride from the inner gate to it. If AD don't have it they will ride from the gate to the fort just past you and you also risk scroll runs.
    The spot i found on the EP side should be pretty safe as only reason to go there is to fish.

    I remember I used many days getting it but I focused on the zones and unlocking the dyes rater than the title until halfway.
    One tactic I learned early is to focus on the rare spots, say its just 2 fool water spots, then focus them and fish other places then they are down, so in Cyrodil saltwater was focus and I did river then they was down, later lake, then finished lake and finally fool water.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
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