Me and a friend did a pledge and upon completing it we both left group and while waiting to be teleported out of the dungeon we grouped up inside the dungeon and when we was removed from the dungeon and loaded into the zone we were in before the dungeon it now showed that we was not in a group so we tried to group up again and this time we both got a message saying we was already in a group even tho group manager says we are not. If we look in voice chat we can both join group voice chat and talk so we are definitely in a group together but unable to leave it.
We have tried all sorts to try resolve this issue with no luck, we are unable to que dungeons or battle groups to. If we go to invite someone else to a group we get a message saying failed to join group.
I submitted a ticket almost a week a go and got some basic steps to try which we already tried with no luck and since then we have been told there is basically nothing that can be done at to just hope it fixes itself.
This is both of our main characters with 100's of hours put In to the characters and we are unable to play and enjoy the game, there must be some way we can be forced out of the invisible group we are stuck in. If anyone knows a solution to this or has any suggestions to fix this I'm open to ideas to try.