Shadows of Silence PVE/Social guild for new, veteran, and returning players!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The focus of the guild is social interaction, helping each other quest, completing dungeons/trials, and much more.

I started out running a guild on Xbox called Moment of Reckoning with my husband, as life went on, we transferred the guild and most of our players to PC and rename as Shadows of Silence. Interested in more history? Read the spoiler or just move on :blush:
When we very first created MoR we noticed so many people were just out doing their own thing and that is great; however, when it came to getting help with something not many people were willing (other than a few great needles in a very large haystack ). We wanted to make it easier to do the things requiring a few extra sets of hands.
We have a great player base and we would love to grow our ranks to have even more active and excited members to do more events, create more dungeon teams, and fill our trial ranks.

  • Active time - While we have active members from several time zones our most active times are in the evenings. We have several day time players and are looking for new members that are active at all times. Evenings so they can play with some of our most active members, and daytime so we can build up the events being done during that time.
  • Focus - Dungeons, Trials, questing, completing pledges, maxing mages guild, skyshard farming and anything else members let us know they want to do!
  • Events - Need to kill a world boss? Want to go get those skyshards? We can do all of that with you! We also hold a monthly 50/50 raffle.
  • Dungeons/Trials - We are looking for players that want to run dungeons and trials. A group of people that will take the time to learn together, fight together, and succeed together. You don't have to be the best, if you are willing to learn we are willing to learn with you and help you achieve some of the harder content ESO has to offer.
  • Questing - For newer players getting the quests done in some areas can be difficult. We want to be able to help you complete these quests. Just ask in general chat.
  • Communication - We are using Discord for out of game communication. This is the heart of our communication and we do highly recommend that each member joins the server.

We have several veteran and experienced players that are ready and happy to help anyone that might need it. If we do not know something we look forward to learning and experiencing it with players that are willing to learn and experience the game with us. I personally feel that so many gamers get to where their only focus is to be the first one finished, the first to succeed, they rush and forget about the people that want to enjoy the game and be a part of something, but may not be as experienced so they are not included.

Experienced players, new players, in limbo players, all are welcome. We just ask that you have a positive attitude and have fun.
Just ask our members, we are an ESO family, not just and ESO guild.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Any questions just ask!
In-game: Laila 821
Discord: Laila#5386
Edited by Laila821 on 1 December 2021 14:44
  • Cardthief
    Been part if this guild for a while now, its a pretty tight-knit and friendly community! One of my fav guilds ive ever been in :P
    (MC) Main DPS: Redz Kuinn - Lvl 50 - MagSorc - PvE
    Main Healer: Soranna Anilu - Lvl 50 - Templar - PvE
    Main Tank: Seamus Kuinn - Lvl 50 - Dragonknight - PvE
  • Laila821
    We are still recruiting! Looking for players interested in trials, dungeons, and other shenanigans. Visit our website for more info or message me here or on discord.
  • Laila821
    We are looking for players new and old to join us in various shenanigans. We have spots open on dungeon and trial teams. Go to the site to apply or message me here for more information.
  • Bog3yman
    Soul Shriven
    I may be interested!
  • Laila821
    Bog3yman wrote: »
    I may be interested!

    We'd be happy to have ya. Sending a private message.
  • Laila821
    We are looking for players that are interested in doing trials! We have 3 trial team types and we currently have room on a progression team and a normal weekly coffer run/gearing team. Please contact me here or on discord OR visit our website for details on each team. (Links above in main post.)

    (Discord is required to be on the trial teams.)
  • Laila821
    We are recruiting and would love to have some new members in our ranks. Feel free to visit our website or message me for more information or with any questions you might have. :smile:
  • Saints
    We are recruiting and would love to have some new members in our ranks. Feel free to visit our website or message me for more information or with any questions you might have. :smile:

    Really like the application process, and the website was very informative, thank you!

  • Laila821
    Saints wrote: »

    Really like the application process, and the website was very informative, thank you!

    Thanks! I am glad that people are liking the ease of the process to join. We hope to add even more informative items on the site in the near future.

    Speaking of we are still recruiting! Welcoming social and PVE driven players. Feel free to message me for more info before you join or apply.
  • Laila821
    We are still recruiting! Beginner and new players welcome.

    Looking to dip your toe into trials, whether your new or a veteran player looking for relaxed easy runs; we have DPS spots open on our normal trial team, time is being narrowed down between Saturday or Sunday nights. The only requirement is CP 160.

    Are you already familiar with trials and looking for a veteran team? We have spots available on those as well. These are new teams we are forming and time has not been determined yet.

    Please apply on the guild website or message me for more information.
  • Laila821
    The normal trial team needs DPS! See the first post for updated information.
  • Laila821
    Updated the main post. We are still recruiting :wink: New to the game? We can help. Coming back after a break? We welcome you too! Have a question? Please ask.
  • Laila821
    We are still recruiting! Looking for a new home? Come check us out :smiley:
  • Laila821
    Looking for some fun? We are hosting a new member event. No level requirement the only requirement is to be in the guild and join us on Discord!

    Skyshard Hunt-The Rift
    Date: Thu, Apr 16
    Time:7:30PM CST
  • Laila821
    UPDATE: We need 2 healers and 2 dps for one of our Veteran DLC trial teams that runs Monday 8-10pm CDT
  • Laila821
    Still looking for 2 healers and 2 DPS for one of our veteran DLC+ Trial teams. They run on Monday nights 8-10pm CDT. Please join the discord and see the guild site for more info. (Links above)
  • Hugzmymagic
    Still looking for 2 healers and 2 DPS for one of our veteran DLC+ Trial teams. They run on Monday nights 8-10pm CDT. Please join the discord and see the guild site for more info. (Links above)

    I am a Templar healer and would like to try out for this team. I have filled an application for guild membership, progression team and DLC team on your web site. I have read the healer requirements and I have most every healing set required and working on the rest and more. Thanks
    Edited by Hugzmymagic on 7 June 2020 07:50
  • Laila821

    I am a Templar healer and would like to try out for this team. I have filled an application for guild membership, progression team and DLC team on your web site. I have read the healer requirements and I have most every healing set required and working on the rest and more. Thanks

    Sorry for the late reply! We will have the trial lead reach out to you soon :)
  • Laila821
    Sorry for those that tried to apply! The website has been in maintenance and we changed our URL! We are still recruiting. Feel free to message us for more info and to join.
  • Laila821
    Morning! We are looking for DPS to fill a Veteran DLC Trial team 30k+ DPS and the time they run is Friday at 8:30PM CDT. Please message me here or on Discord if your interested in filling the spot! You can also take a look at the website for more information on the teams we offer :smiley:

    Have a great day.
  • Laila821
    Updated main post to include that we are looking for members that might be interested in a Daytime, WEEKDAY, dungeon team. Also looking to possibly build yet another trial team! So if you are looking to get into trials we might be worth checking out. :smile:
  • Laila821
    UPDATE: We have 4 DPS spots open on our Veteran DLC+ Trial Team that runs Thursday nights 7:30-9:30pm CDT, must have a 30k+ DPS parse on the 6mil. Also looking for Tank and DPS for a daytime/weekday dungeon team, time and day is undetermined at this point.

    Also added this to the original post above. :smiley: Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Laila821
    Updated main post B) We are welcoming members!
  • Laila821
    We are still welcoming new members! Hope your all enjoying the event.
  • Laila821
    Looking for dungeon and trial teams? Looking to find an ESO family? Message me for more info or to join. 🙂
  • Laila821
    We have a couple dungeon teams and trial looking for members, if interested please let me know.

    Dungeon Teams LFM:
    Run Forrest - Sundays 3-5pm CST -- Needs 1 Heals or DPS
    Tamriel Road - Tuesday's 8-10pm CST -- Need 1 DPS

    Trial Teams LFM:
    Quiet Night is our newest Veteran DLC+ trial team running Fridays at 9PM CDT and are currently working on vHoF. We're looking for 1 DPS parsing 35k+ on a 6m or 63k+ on a 21m. Trial Lead: firestormgt

    Shadow Syndicate is a Veteran DLC+ trial team running Mondays at 8PM CDT. We're looking for 3 DPS parsing 35k+ on a 6m or 63k+ on a 21m. Trial Lead: Robofly if you're interested.

    Shadow Institute our Veteran Craglorn+ trial team running Sundays at 8PM CDT is looking for several DPS to round out their roster. Requirements are 27k+ parse on the 6m dummy. No prior vet trial experience required! This is a great opportunity to break into vet trials and learn mechanics with your fellow guildmates. Trial Lead: winged_tortoise
    Edited by Laila821 on 1 February 2021 12:59
  • Laila821
    We are still recruiting! We would love to have you join our ESO Family. We are open for new and veteran members. We are also looking for trial leads with several members just waiting to be led. Message me for more details.
  • Laila821
    We are still recruiting. We currently have the following trial team openings as well

    Shadow Syndicate - Mon 8:30PM CST
    - 2 DPS 35k+ 6m or 65k+ 21m

    Sweaty Carpets - Thu 5:30PM CST
    - 1 Healer experienced in all vet trials. HM ready
    - 1 DPS 75k+ 21m

    New PST Team - Wed 10PM CST
    - 4 DPS 35k+ 6m or 65k+ 21m
    - 1 Healer
    - 1 Tank

    If interested in one of these teams please join discord and message Laila#5386 or Hyperion#1885
  • Laila821
    Hope everyone is enjoying the event! We are still looking to fill some trial team spots and also have openings for dungeon teams! Message me or join discord for more info and to apply.

    Shadow Syndicate - Mon 8:30PM CST
    - This team has almost completed all vet DLC trials and will start on HMs once that's done.
    - 2 DPS 35k+ 6m or 65k+ 21m

    Sweaty Carpets - Thu 5:30PM CST
    - This team is currently working their way through vet DLC HMs.
    - 1 Healer experienced in the majority of vet trials. HM ready
    - 1 DPS 75k+ 21m experienced in the majority of vet trials.

    New PST Team - Wed 10PM CST
    - This team will start with vAS+0 and eventually work their way through all vet DLC trials.
    - 3 DPS 35k+ 6m or 65k+ 21m
    - 1 Healer experienced in at least vet craglorn trials
    - 1 Tank experienced in at least vet craglorn trials
  • Laila821
    New Jester's Event starts today! Is everyone ready to get their last skin piece?

    We are still recruiting and open to players of all types. Also have open trial spots on a PST team, will post details in a few.
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