Few Questions of a Newbie

Soul Shriven
I've been roleplaying sincs half a year now and I got my eyes on this game in for RP-ing since I don't have enough D&D sessions. Instead of searching for new groups I diceded to choose this game as the combat is "real" in this game and not dice throwings and it has visuals. But... I have never RP-d in an MMO before. I'm not that new to RP-ing and I'm quite used to it, I just don't know how it works, so my questions.

How does RP-ing work? How do you play your character, how do you converse, what kind of a story you play?

Where are most RP-s in EU?

Is it recommended to join a guild? I read that the most people are pretty cringy.

I'm still not lvl 50 with any of my toons, will that pose me any kind of problem?
  • VaranisArano
    If you want to roleplay like you would with a D&D group, you'll probably want to look at RP guilds. Just like meeting a new D&D group, it can take a while to find a group of people you play well with.

    Most guilds will give you an idea on what type of roleplay they like and what stories they are telling - sort of like a D&D group advertising their on-going campaign. Whether there is dice-rolling, events, chat or voice-based roleplaying depends on the guild.

    As an alternative, I was fortunate enough to play ESO with some of the members of my IRL D&D group, so we would roleplay through the quests sharing our character's reactions and deciding how to handle certain choices as a group.
  • Aigym_Hlervu
    Reavlus wrote: »
    I've been roleplaying sincs half a year now and I got my eyes on this game in for RP-ing since I don't have enough D&D sessions. Instead of searching for new groups I diceded to choose this game as the combat is "real" in this game and not dice throwings and it has visuals. But... I have never RP-d in an MMO before. I'm not that new to RP-ing and I'm quite used to it, I just don't know how it works, so my questions.

    How does RP-ing work? How do you play your character, how do you converse, what kind of a story you play?

    Where are most RP-s in EU?

    Is it recommended to join a guild? I read that the most people are pretty cringy.

    I'm still not lvl 50 with any of my toons, will that pose me any kind of problem?

    I guess I'm even more newbie at this because I don't even understand your question.. Well, I understand actually, but don't understand the necessity. MMORPG is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game with its stories, characters to create and stories to choose (quests, dungeons, wars). But you are saying about some other role-playing yet inside this role-playing. Do you really need to be a special RP-guild member to play your own headcanon game inside this already role-playing game? Well, anyway, it's your choice, so good luck with it :).
  • NekoTashi
    This is how I learned to RP as a khajiit:
    • I always played as a khajiit character since Skyrim. So I started to read more about the khajiiti lore. Its a lot of knowledge soup to take in (I know). But it can help you shape your character. Now I'm not saying I know the entire history/lore of the khajiit. But I do use some of that knowledge into my daily adventures.
    • Seeing so much RP videos and interacting with some NPC's in-game, I started to learn how (in my case) a khajiit talks. Most khajiits talk in third person and with an accent. So I try my best to talk like a khajiit with my own accent added (to give her own personality).
    • Then there is your character's personality! Create your character and play with him/her. Study its face expressions, his/hers moves and what he/she does. My khajiit-templar for example is cute but sharp (she can easily fool you with her cute face), she doesn't take sh*t from anyone and she has that sassy/royal attitude. I love her. XD
    And that's basically it. Don't overthink it too much and don't force it. Take your time in studying your character. And soon you will be able to RP with ease! Be careful though not to use your RP voice into the real world like I do sometimes. XD Speaking like a khajiit in third person is very contagious. I sometimes capture myself talking like a khajiit in RL lol.
    PS4/EU Gamer | I don't have haters, just fans in denial.
  • ZOS_Nith
    These are some great tips! :)
    Staff Post
  • worrallj

    I guess I'm even more newbie at this because I don't even understand your question.. Well, I understand actually, but don't understand the necessity. MMORPG is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game with its stories, characters to create and stories to choose (quests, dungeons, wars). But you are saying about some other role-playing yet inside this role-playing. Do you really need to be a special RP-guild member to play your own headcanon game inside this already role-playing game? Well, anyway, it's your choice, so good luck with it :).

    The number of people in ESO that actually roleplay is quite small.

    The average mmo player is what those in the d&d community refer to as a "murder hobo," i.e. only there to smash the monster with the biggest loot. To a murder hobo, character development is synonymous with gear accumulation. When murder hobos speak to other players, they speak as themselves sitting at their computer, and refer to their character as a "toon." When a murder hobo "swaps toons" they retain the same voice and personality as the old one. They do not generally have opinions on Tamriel politics or religion, and they do not foster in-character relationships with other players.

    Actual roleplayers usually develop a backstory for their character, write a short bio or excerpts from a journal. Then they gather together and usually use /emotes to tell a collaborative story in which each person is playing the role of a citizen of tamriel.

    They create their own stories in that way because the in game questlines do not provide any opportunity for self expression.

    It's the difference between a theme park ride (hence the term "theme park mmo) and driving your own vehicle. In the theme park, the game determines your objectives and actions, you merely click a button that says, "go to the next scene." In real roleplaying, people are engaged in improvisation and creative storytelling, throwing themselves into the role.

    Check out eso-rp.com for a collection of little stories people have put together.
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