Exiles - Oceanic end game Trials guild now recruiting!

Exiles is an Aus/NZ time zoned end game focused Trials guild on ps4 NA server.
We run all content but mostly focus trials and dungeons with a focus on end game PvE.
We're very active and social and use Discord.
Above all else we want to have fun and get *** done :)
Join Exiles today either in game or message KrypticFuture on the PlayStation (not friend request please) for an invite.
Edited by KrypticFuture on 10 August 2020 12:46
  • KrypticFuture
    We have had a lot of interest from Facebook and zone and are growing steadily but still have plenty of room for more people.
    Edited by KrypticFuture on 1 March 2020 21:24
  • pinghuu
  • jroz0
    hi can i get an invite plz?
  • KrypticFuture
    Yes I'll get you an invite tomorrow when the servers are up 😁 psn jroz0?
  • KrypticFuture
    We're putting together a main team to start pushing end game content. Anyone who plays on or around the +10 time zone join up to be a part of it 😁
  • kim95x
    Soul Shriven
    Invite plz. Kim95x
  • kestrelito
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in Hawaii. May I join? PSN kestrelito
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