AD got the scroll after a fight a nikel. Then after picking it up the person teleported back to the AD gates. There is only one way i can think of to do that. /stuck with the scroll.
Was trying to figure out what happened. It wasnt long enough for a reset and it wound up in a different keep anyway. Seen it happen before when a carrier fell through the ground and probably had to stuck out
Was trying to figure out what happened. It wasnt long enough for a reset and it wound up in a different keep anyway. Seen it happen before when a carrier fell through the ground and probably had to stuck out
It was on the rocks behind Nikel, so maybe. Lots of places there could be a bad seam, especially as laggy as it was.
But you can't /stuck in combat, and with the amount of players and aoe in the area I don't know how they would possibly get out of combat? Sign me up for that skill.
I have seen this happen before when the scroll runner gets killed while stuck in the long animation of picking up the scroll. His death registered and he was able to respawn at a nearby forward camp but apparently the scroll animation hadn’t finished yet and he rezzed with the scroll. It felt cheesy but there was nothing to be done about it except carry the scroll home.