Arctic Wind: This ability and its morphs have regained the original function of Arctic Blast, and deal Frost Damage in a 6 meter area around the caster while the Heal over Time persists. This damage scales with your Max Magicka and Spell Damage, to prevent compounded power for tank builds.
Why it doesn't scale also from weapon power and max stamina? What about stamina builds? I mean if they redesign this skill to prevent compounded power for tank builds then the only available stun stamwardens will have scales from Magicka and also not cheap!!!
I don't understand....
Darkenarlol wrote: »great change actually
my only-frost mage is happy
That ice shards aoe got nerfed though, like frostmage isnt already hurting on damage done.
As a genuine warden tank: I want my old artic winds back! The stun and damge is nice enough, but then I need a target to heal myself...wich sucks.
Arctic Blast (morph):
This morph no longer converts the ability into an awkward projectile stun. Instead, this ability has inherited Permafrost’s old functionality, where enemies hit 3 times in rapid succession with the ability are stunned. This stun cannot be blocked.