The Grey Manes - A guild for casual and old(er) gamers that like to play how they want!

Soul Shriven
PS4-NA | Primary Focus: Social | Secondary Focus: Group PVE | Additional Activities: Anything goes | Roles: All

Are you an older or casual gamer? Are you tired of feeling left out or left behind? If so join us.

No requirements, no restrictions. Play how you want!

The Grey Manes is not just a guild we are a community of awesome people who have come together because of our love of gaming and the desire to enjoy the game no matter the skill, level, knowledge or experience.

You don't need to stress about not running the build that the youtubers or theory crafters tell you to. You can stand in the red, you can take a bio break without wondering if someone will get upset. If you want to learn how to improve your dps, or want advice on a better build, we have people who can help. But if you want to run a wild and weird and wonderful setup you made yourself, go for it. We do not judge here. You can group, or not. Talk or just listen. There are no requirements.
Hopefully you’ll find some great friends, have a lot of laughs, and create some awesome memories with us.

You can join us on discord: The Grey Manes Discord
Edited by Vithkiin on 7 August 2020 20:25
  • mateosalvaje
    I was about to start a thread about looking for a guild that does "Story Mode" group dungeons. By that I mean reading all the books, experiencing all the dialogue, looking at all the things the first time through. I have a lot of alts that haven't done any group dungeons because I hate getting rushed and never grasping the story. Would this be the right guild for me?
    I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
  • Vithkiin
    Soul Shriven
    Definitely! We like to take things slow and actually enjoy the game. Let me know if you want an invite or come visit us on discord and get to know us better, there's always someone online to welcome you.
  • mateosalvaje
    Awesome! I don't have the Discord, but I'll PM you when I've opened a slot. Thank you 😁
    I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
  • OrenDrey
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining your guild. New to ESO, I've been playing for a week, maybe, but I've been playing MMO's since Everquest. I'm super casual, at least in terms of most gamers. I'm 45, have a full time job and a family.

    I play these games because I'm a life long tabletop RPG player (D&D etc etc) and I like having a character and a group of folks to play with. Since the rest of my life is so full, I just want a few quiet hours in the evening where I can play my damn games! I don't really need or want any additional drama.

    The link to your Discord you posted appears to have expired. :-)

    I'll be taking lunch shortly, I will drop Grey Manes an invite in game.

  • Vithkiin
    Soul Shriven
    Hello OrenDrey!

    We have moved to a new server. Here is our new Discord Link

    You sound like you would be a perfect fit for our guild and we would love to have you. Sorry for the delayed response, I don't hang around the forums too much!


    Vithkiin, Guildmaster
  • blackdow74
    Soul Shriven
    hello everybody. im new to eso, I have a lvl 19 nightblade that uses a bow and a lvl 26 dragonknight that uses a 2 hander. Im 45 and I work a lot of overtime so I don't always have time to play. this game seems to be alittle overwhelming. i would love to join your guild. i play on PlayStation on NA server and my psn name is BlackDow74.
  • Vithkiin
    Soul Shriven
    Glad to have you with us BlackDow!
  • Ascalon_Shadow
    Soul Shriven
    My husband and I are a couple of old gamers in our 70s. Still love to play, but not quite at the breakneck speed of younger gamers. We have several different characters each because we like trying out new skills to see if they fit our laidback playstyle. Some actually do! My main is a 271 Dragonknight. His is a Sorcerer at about the same Champion level (maybe a little higher). We're ESO+, both on PCs and have the Elsweyr expansion.

    We just moved, so haven't played ESO since the middle of September. We were in a trading guild that we enjoyed quite a lot but our second guild was a pretty active gaming guild that we were honestly embarrassed to be a part of since we simply couldn't keep up with their experience and expertise. Even though we let both guilds know we'd be out of touch for a few months while moving, they both dropped us.

    In searching for another guild we found Grey Manes and you sound like exactly what we should have been in from the beginning! If you have room for a couple of old farts who do a fair job of pulling our own weight and would like to try out dungeons and trials and whatnot... since we haven't done ANY in the year we've been playing... let me know and we'll try to connect with you as soon as the older old fart gets his game updated. Probably sometime tomorrow.

    Thanks for your time and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Edited by Ascalon_Shadow on 28 December 2019 03:05
  • Usidean
    Soul Shriven
    Pretty new to the game, but looking for a laid back group, which this sounds like it. Plus I work a bunch and only usually get to play on weekends. Used to play Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. But took a break form the latter and when I cam back, too many updates, and those I played with were no longer playing, and just didn't want to attempt to figure it all out again, and playing solo gets tiresome after awhile.

    So got a PS4, for a change of pace, never been a huge console player. But nice to play on a big screen and a comfy couch. Been looking for a game for a while that will hold my interest for a while, God of War did a good job, but it's a limited time line. Finally found ESO, which so far as I can tell, will keep hours of playing. Haven't gone to ESO+, maybe in the future when I've done a lot of the basic content (which there's enough there for long period).

    Got my roommate into it, he's been playing on my system, but will be getting his own console shortly, so both he and I will be playing and looking to join the guild.

    Tried to add you via PSN, but guess your settings don't allow for messages to be sent there.

    Look forward to joining the guild (if there's still room), and adventuring with others.

    PSN name is Usidean. I'll check my settings that I can receive invites/messages. ESO Account is Usidean.
  • Nord_Raseri
    This is on PS4 NA? If so, I may have to drop a guild. Would it count if my beard only has a few grey/white hairs?
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • YeOldTonk
    Soul Shriven
    Decided to actually jump into ESO. Played the trial about 7 years ago for awhile and then again a few years ago. Only got a toon to level 20 or so. Really seem to be in the game on the PS4 this go around. I'm on the plus side of a half a century mark in age, hence the name.

    Just a real casual, laid back gamer that loves PVE and raiding. PSN and ingame account is the same as here. Would love to join up with y'all.

    EDIT: FYI the link to the discord is no longer valid.
    Edited by YeOldTonk on 22 January 2020 18:18
  • daruma_lady
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, Im looking to get an invite to Grey Manes (Athdrivar, if you're still around) for a couple of older players who I met. They both seem to enjoy questing and reading... everything... and searching .... everything.... and talking a lot about... everything, lol. If you're about would you mind getting in touch with me so I can pass on their details. My psn is the same as here. Cheers, DL
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    I used to play on PC, but then quit (bad timing) but am now loving it on PS4! I like to have fun, enjoy the game, read things, listen to dialogue, emote, etc etc etc.

    I have an inconsistent play schedule (if you can call it that lol) but almost always am on late at night. I am looking for my first guild! Are you still looking for/accepting new members?
  • Vithkiin
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    I apologize to anyone who has shown interest in our guild in the last couple of months. I no longer check this forum and didn't expect this post to still be attracting people wanting to join our guild.

    I have updated the link to our Discord server in the OP and will post it here as well. We still have plenty of room for new members so feel free to visit us on Discord or send me a mail in-game.

    The Grey Manes Discord

    Guildmaster: Vithkiin
    Edited by Vithkiin on 7 August 2020 20:35
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