I just upgraded an item from GREEN quality with the intent to upgrade it to PURPLE quality, however everytime I upgraded it, it appeared as the original quality (GREEN). Thinking it was lag or the upgrade didn't register, I upgraded twice more only to be unable to upgrade the item anymore times. When I checked my inventory, I realized that the item had been upgraded to GOLD quality and yet under the Improvement Menu, it still appeared GREEN to me until I hovered over it! Is this a desync issue that I'm experiencing internally? I tried resetting/reloading but the issue persisted with other items. I'm afraid a lot of unwary people are going to over-improve their items into gold and lose out on a lot of expensive materials.
I've included a screenshot to show that the item still appears GREEN and how it appears to only show up as GOLD when you hover over the item.

Also, excuse the chat. I was a bit flustered over having lost some expensive materials.