Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

One giant lagfest today...

I was on this morning and it was so laggy I just turned off and played Elite Dangerous.

I come back on this evening and its more of the same....

I find my time playing this game declining rapidly. As do others. Is this what Zenimax want?
  • Krayl
    I try not to chirp too much on the forums unless I feel like it's warranted and I have to agree. I don't necessarily experience "lag" but any time I have to hit a load screen I expect I've got a bout a 50% chance to freeze up at worst or at best see "unusually long load screen" twice. This used to only occasionally happen in trials while in a group and trying to zone in to the trial. Now it seems to happen even if I'm solo just trying to visit another zone.

    More often than not it takes probably 75% longer for a trial to get started due to people having to restart, freezing up, rinse/repeat. If they do make it in then lets hope everyone can join the voice chat.

    "Just start netflix sometimes that works for me!"

    "can you give me a ready check and see if that kicks me?"

    "try sharing a quest."

    "Nobody pick up the trial quest til everyone is in!"

    "try zoning somewhere else and then traveling in."

    "Try traveling directly to the trial instead of to player"

    . . .before literally every trial.

    I'm not even mad really - I'm just annoyed and confused how you have a game that's been out for YEARS have the problems that users should only have to tolerate at launch, at most. We shouldn't have to be problem solving, trouble-shooting, and testing the game for you at this point with all these above 'fixes'.

    It's cool that they are focused on a road map for performance fixes but at this point in the game's life cycle why are they still even an issue? Why are they an issue that's going to take a year-long 'road map' to fix?
  • Rittings
    That just about summed up the entire debacle...
  • mustangmorgan31
    I had more lag than usual today. I was getting lag spikes up to 800+ at times.
  • Rittings
    Yeah, I've just done another BG to see - and everyone in the BG was complaining about how bad it was.

    @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA

    Can we check this out for the love of God?
  • Rittings
    Complete freeze framing...
  • Rittings
  • Starlight_Knight
    its gd stress full and horrible lag - idk what the point of doing any combat balancing for pvp as you cant do anything anyway, its a miricle when you get a combo off.
    No wonder everyone runs round in big tanky ball groups.
    its been an age since i've come across another solo player.
  • ZOS_Bill
    We have some planned game performance improvements coming in the future which the post here goes over in detail.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • UppGRAYxDD
    Better be before BL3 drops...
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • Rittings
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    We have some planned game performance improvements coming in the future which the post here goes over in detail.

    No offense, Bill, but I can't wait for the better part of a year for a game to begin working after 4 years of the same old same old. Appreciate the effort - but it's too little too late.
  • ValorieW
    Tbh, between the Insanely horrible changes coming in Scalebreaker, and the horrific lag that makes end game trials essentially unplayable, I’m strongly considering taking the next patch off. Just taking a break. The coming “fixes” should have been done ages ago. There’s no guarantee that the “fixes” will actually solve the problems...more likely to just make things worse.
    Edited by ValorieW on 15 August 2019 18:47
  • Rittings
    I've seen so many rumblings now of people moving over to FF or BDO - I wouldn't be surprised if an exodus isn't coming.
  • VenDetta0910
    Rittings wrote: »
    I've seen so many rumblings now of people moving over to FF or BDO - I wouldn't be surprised if an exodus isn't coming.

    I actually jumped ship a few weeks after elswyer and went back to FFXIV on PC, (i play on both PC and PS4 and yes Eso is just as laggy on PC just slightly less) but yeah, i can tell you my FC/Guild on FFXIV has recruited at least 10 or so people that i know of from ESO, and thats not saying much, but the FFXIV reddit and FB community ive seen quite a few people that came from eso after elswyer ish . Exodus may be a strong word, but, theyve (Beth/Zenimax) has definitely lost players in a number i would imagine isnt small. I still check forums obviously as i am now, periodically to see if anything has been fixed, but generally to no avail. The main issue i believe, is instead of fixing things , they just keep adding content on top of things that are broken already and this is problematic to say the least. Not to mention, they probably need to completely overhaul their servers for instance, Square Enix shut FFXIV down for 3 days or so before last expansion to move the servers and upgrade servers etc, (my timeline in when they did that may be a little skewed) , but the point is, when you have a large scale MMORPG , these types of things need to be done after so much content/time passes to help alleviate such issues as those aforementioned by others. Anyways, i still have hope that eventually on one of my weekly ish ESO forum checks i will see that things have either been fixed, or some of the issues remedied at the least. I truly do love ESO, but, im not going to pay to play a broken game.
    Edited by VenDetta0910 on 26 August 2019 12:51
  • Vapirko
    Rittings wrote: »
    I've seen so many rumblings now of people moving over to FF or BDO - I wouldn't be surprised if an exodus isn't coming.

    I actually jumped ship a few weeks after elswyer and went back to FFXIV on PC, (i play on both PC and PS4 and yes Eso is just as laggy on PC just slightly less) but yeah, i can tell you my FC/Guild on FFXIV has recruited at least 10 or so people that i know of from ESO, and thats not saying much, but the FFXIV reddit and FB community ive seen quite a few people that came from eso after elswyer ish . Exodus may be a strong word, but, theyve (Beth/Zenimax) has definitely lost players in a number i would imagine isnt small. I still check forums obviously as i am now, periodically to see if anything has been fixed, but generally to no avail. The main issue i believe, is instead of fixing things , they just keep adding content on top of things that are broken already and this is problematic to say the least. Not to mention, they probably need to completely overhaul their servers for instance, Square Enix shut FFXIV down for 3 days or so before last expansion to move the servers and upgrade servers etc, (my timeline in when they did that may be a little skewed) , but the point is, when you have a large scale MMORPG , these types of things need to be done after so much content/time passes to help alleviate such issues as those aforementioned by others. Anyways, i still have hope that eventually on one of my weekly ish ESO forum checks i will see that things have either been fixed, or some of the issues remedied at the least. I truly do love ESO, but, im not going to pay to play a broken game.

    At least you can go free to play in ESO. Not really much consolation as I’d rather pay for a working game than not pay for a broken game. Honestly no idea why anyone still subs to this game unless they’re just into housing/commerce/hardcore crafting stuff.
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