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Kaalgrondtiid PC NA

Productive discussion created for Kaalgrondtiid PC NA.

Note: Community Rules

If you want a friend, get a dog.
AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • vamp_emily
    Not sure if Kaal needs a thread started, didn't see one so figured I would create it.

    #DC we may have lost this campaign but don't let this disappointment put you down. We can work together and improve as an alliance.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • CritsTheBed
  • vamp_emily

    I like faction lock. I like winning but it is not everything. I would rather work with players though good and bad time than play by the side of someone you can't depend on ( leaves to the other faction when you need them the most ).

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Hashtag_
    vamp_emily wrote: »

    I like faction lock. I like winning but it is not everything. I would rather work with players though good and bad time than play by the side of someone you can't depend on ( leaves to the other faction when you need them the most ).
    “I like winning but it is not everything”

    Is such a beta response and why Murica is regressing.
  • frostz417
    Hashtag_ wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »

    I like faction lock. I like winning but it is not everything. I would rather work with players though good and bad time than play by the side of someone you can't depend on ( leaves to the other faction when you need them the most ).
    “I like winning but it is not everything”

    Is such a beta response and why Murica is regressing.

    The amount of ignorance in this comment is astounding
  • Demra
    It was a pretty tight race between dc and ep. I was sure dc will come victorious this time. So far i like faction lock.

    Edit: this is the no cp campaign right? No matter how hard i try I just cannot remember these stupid names.
    Edited by Demra on 12 June 2019 21:15
  • CritsTheBed
    This is for the CP campaign PC/NA. DC has zero scrolls rn, no sense in getting them back bc ep has full pop most of the time and take them back in an hour anyways. Ep is 13.5k ahead in score, almost full time emp and they camp the hammerspawn. Dont really care about the score but if you do youre gonna have a really bad time.
  • Ackwalan
    This is for the CP campaign PC/NA. DC has zero scrolls rn, no sense in getting them back bc ep has full pop most of the time and take them back in an hour anyways. Ep is 13.5k ahead in score, almost full time emp and they camp the hammerspawn. Dont really care about the score but if you do youre gonna have a really bad time.

    I've only seen the hammer spawn behind a gate. How can the spawn be camped?
  • CritsTheBed
    It can spawn outside of gates. Dc had low so ep went to the spawn point near gates to camp it.
  • technohic
    Theres spawns all over the place but only buries the pushed faction more because they have no keeps owned to get out to it.

    The other day while pushed to DCs gates, it spawned behind EPs gate. Where did they bring it? To Rayles of course while DC has no keep and no scrolls.
    Edited by technohic on 13 June 2019 10:52
  • vamp_emily
    It really disappoints me to hear players say things like "WTF is wrong with DC.. blah blah blah" or "I'm creating an EP character next campaign.. blah blah blah". I know DC, deep down inside, are fighters. We constantly fight AD/EP at the same time and more often than not. We are fighters but it is sad when we are down players get discouraged.

    If we, as a team, can learn to defend , keep our scrolls and make a few good plays; we are going to be one awesome alliance. I understand some times we are at a pop disadvantage and that sucks; however, never forget the great battles we have won.

    Edited by vamp_emily on 13 June 2019 17:57

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • danthemann5
    I've PvPed as DC since I started playing this game, and I will continue to do so until it collapses under the weight of mismanagement. The locked campaign population imbalance will sort itself out over time, unless the game itself fails first.

    Faction lock was the correct choice. The fact that one could previously spend 28 days of a 30 day campaign playing on the losing side, and then switch to the winning team in the last 48 hours and still win and collect all the rewards was simply absurd. Apply that "logic" to any other competitive event and the absurdity becomes obvious. If all of the players on the Rams decide to play for the Patriots in the 4th quarter, should they get Super Bowl rings? Without faction lock, everyone gets the reward without any of the risk. Everyone can be the winner, no matter how bad their team performs or how little they contribute to the win. And that is the ultimate Beta mindset.
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • Kagukan
    This is for the CP campaign PC/NA. DC has zero scrolls rn, no sense in getting them back bc ep has full pop most of the time and take them back in an hour anyways. Ep is 13.5k ahead in score, almost full time emp and they camp the hammerspawn. Dont really care about the score but if you do youre gonna have a really bad time.

    Sounds like team green should be pushing...But....
  • CritsTheBed
    Faction lock without pop balance was a terrible idea. And since we know they won’t/can’t balance pop it will continue to stay this way for the low pop faction. So many dc say they love the faction lock but complain to no end about the resulting imbalance.
  • danthemann5
    Faction lock without pop balance was a terrible idea. And since we know they won’t/can’t balance pop it will continue to stay this way for the low pop faction. So many dc say they love the faction lock but complain to no end about the resulting imbalance.

    People will always complain about something or other, that's the nature of people. Jerry Seinfeld made a whole career out of complaining. As I stated previously, the populations should even out over time. Will they? I don't know; we haven't even completed one campaign cycle since the faction locks have been in place.

    As for the statement "Faction lock without pop balance was a terrible idea.", I recommend you review the logic involved. There can be no balance unless the populations are separated, or "locked". If people can be part of any population at any time, there is no way to separate them into categories, no way to measure or count them, and no way to separate them in an equitable way. How can one be assured of an equal number of sheep and goats if any sheep can become a goat at any time, and vise versa? Stating it was "a terrible idea" is simply incorrect as it is the only path forward to achieve any sort of balance.
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • technohic
    I think the key to balancing out the faction is going to be when people see how much fun it is to wipe some of these blobs when Drac or another ball group is not there to give them cover or just farm anyone nearby. I know I was growing incredibly frustrated about a week ago but by the end of last weekend was having fun being maybe a little outnumbered but yet getting some nice victories and some 8-9k D-ticks.
  • CritsTheBed
    People will always complain about something (faction swapping). Stating it was a terrible idea is my opinion and i stick it that just like you stick by your OPINION that faction lock is the only path for balance (its not btw). The same players who say faction lock is good are the exact same players who thinks everyone is cheating in cyro (bad players)

    It will take dc loyalist (lol) losing til the end of the games life to admit it was a bad idea. The only pro anyone has listed is less zone trolls. DC as of right now still has no scrolls, 14k behind in score and next month another wave of dc are leaving for ep and ad. This is all a direct response to faction lock, i mean nothing else has changed in the game besides that.
  • danthemann5
    People will always complain about something (faction swapping). Stating it was a terrible idea is my opinion and i stick it that just like you stick by your OPINION that faction lock is the only path for balance (its not btw). The same players who say faction lock is good are the exact same players who thinks everyone is cheating in cyro (bad players)

    It will take dc loyalist (lol) losing til the end of the games life to admit it was a bad idea. The only pro anyone has listed is less zone trolls. DC as of right now still has no scrolls, 14k behind in score and next month another wave of dc are leaving for ep and ad. This is all a direct response to faction lock, i mean nothing else has changed in the game besides that.

    You're either a troll or your grasp on reality is tenuous. I will assume the latter and that you're actually interested in a discussion. What I presented was not a opinion, but a logical case. If locking the factions is not the only first step to balance as you claim, then what are the other options?
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • vamp_emily
    DC as of right now still has no scrolls

    Just an update: We now have our scrolls. You can relax a little.


    5 Things that will make DC a winning alliance
    Be passionate
    Embrace risk and failure
    Adapt to changes
    Stay motivated
    Work as a team

    If we work on those things DC will win win win. :)

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • CritsTheBed
    People will always complain about something (faction swapping). Stating it was a terrible idea is my opinion and i stick it that just like you stick by your OPINION that faction lock is the only path for balance (its not btw). The same players who say faction lock is good are the exact same players who thinks everyone is cheating in cyro (bad players)

    It will take dc loyalist (lol) losing til the end of the games life to admit it was a bad idea. The only pro anyone has listed is less zone trolls. DC as of right now still has no scrolls, 14k behind in score and next month another wave of dc are leaving for ep and ad. This is all a direct response to faction lock, i mean nothing else has changed in the game besides that.

    You're either a troll or your grasp on reality is tenuous. I will assume the latter and that you're actually interested in a discussion. What I presented was not a opinion, but a logical case. If locking the factions is not the only first step to balance as you claim, then what are the other options?

    You said that faction lock is a step in the direction for balance. That is your OPINION. Cyro is more unbalnced than it has been in a very long time and it just so happens its right after this faction lock nonsense that in your OPINION is a path in the right direction.
  • CritsTheBed
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    DC as of right now still has no scrolls

    Just an update: We now have our scrolls. You can relax a little.


    5 Things that will make DC a winning alliance
    Be passionate
    Embrace risk and failure
    Adapt to changes
    Stay motivated
    Work as a team

    If we work on those things DC will win win win. :)

    I have pretty pictures too
  • danthemann5
    My assumption appears to have been incorrect. Trolls gonna troll. Good day then.
    Edited by danthemann5 on 14 June 2019 03:11
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • CritsTheBed
    My assumption appears to have been incorrect. Trolls gonna troll. Good day then.

    My assumption appears to be correct. Bads gonna bad. Good day then.

  • Stridig
    First page and it's already going downhill. Typical PvP thread. DC will be fine.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • SmackNCheese

    You're either a troll or your grasp on reality is tenuous. I will assume the latter and that you're actually interested in a discussion. What I presented was not a opinion, but a logical case. If locking the factions is not the only first step to balance as you claim, then what are the other options?

    In my opinion faction locks made the campaign even more unbalanced. As can be clearly displayed by this first campaign the scores are drastically different. This is because people can no longer swap over to play on a loosing faction.

    The balance in the game should be inherently based in the classes and abilities themselves, with skills like negate and proxy det allowing skilled players to fight back (albeit rarely) against large groups. Balancing healing to make groups killable, while allowing coordinated groups to use that to their advantage and influence the grand war. Saying balancing a game by retroactively forcing players to pick a single alliance and abandoning their friends they've spent months or even years with after it was already decided this was a poor idea.
    NA Mag Player
  • Ranger209

    In my opinion faction locks made the campaign even more unbalanced. As can be clearly displayed by this first campaign the scores are drastically different. This is because people can no longer swap over to play on a loosing faction.

    The previous campaign started out almost identically to this one while faction hopping was still allowed. EP had all 6 scrolls at the beginning and held one of DC scrolls for 2 days as far as I can tell. They jumped out to an early 5000 point lead and won by at least that much on the campaign abbreviated by the Elsweyr launch without locks.
    Edited by Ranger209 on 15 June 2019 00:08
  • Hexquisite
    I am a DC loyalist, but I hate Faction lock. At the times I play DC is always extremely outnumbered--doesn't matter if we are working on map objectives, or if I am small scaling in the middle of no where next to a random rock--4 times our numbers show up. Most of the time I play, we are pushed to our tri keeps, if not gates. This is how the death of so many other campaigns I played started.

    I have been a part of groups trying to organize and teach the DC pugs, and everytime we get near a tiny victory, we usually end up getting double teamed, or EMP group comes in with hammer. People in zone try to troll the actual DC trying to organize stuff. Zone chat is just as toxic as it was before, oh, and many people have 2 accounts so there are still "spies"

    Bottomline, is that if I want to fight in somewhat equal numbers at the time I usually play, and have a more enjoyable time, I will have to play AD. So I have started the tedious act of rolling a a top tier alt. And I am not the only one.
    Edited by Hexquisite on 17 June 2019 00:43
    PC NA
    ~Ethereal Traders Union~
    ~Spicy Economics~
    ~Tropic Thunder~
    ~Us Ghosts~

  • CritsTheBed
  • Kadoin
    Hexquisite wrote: »
    I am a DC loyalist, but I hate Faction lock. At the times I play DC is always extremely outnumbered--doesn't matter if we are working on map objectives, or if I am small scaling in the middle of no where next to a random rock--4 times our numbers show up. Most of the time I play, we are pushed to our tri keeps, if not gates. This is how the death of so many other campaigns I played started.

    I have been a part of groups trying to organize and teach the DC pugs, and everytime we get near a tiny victory, we usually end up getting double teamed, or EMP group comes in with hammer. People in zone try to troll the actual DC trying to organize stuff. Zone chat is just as toxic as it was before, oh, and many people have 2 accounts so there are still "spies"

    Bottomline, is that if I want to fight in somewhat equal numbers at the time I usually play, and have a more enjoyable time, I will have to play AD. So I have started the tedious act of rolling a a top tier alt. And I am not the only one.

    Wow, its almost turning out exactly how every person against the lock predicted it to be! Wait, it is...!
  • vamp_emily
    I think overall it was a good first "faction lock" campaign. DC had a very hard time keeping scrolls but they did a great job keeping more than just 3 keeps. Even if we were double teamed, we pushed out shortly after all the damage was done. Honestly if it wasn't for the constant pressure of EP attacking us, AD wouldn't have had that much of the lead or would have ended up in 3rd place. AD got a few too many "free" keeps while DC was defending against EP.

    EP had a huge lead but some of those points were generated while a lot of AD/DC were not playing do to the expansion drop. The first week during prime time EP was poplocked while AD/DC had 2 bars. EP does seem to be the strongest alliance but they really had a hard time keeping chal during prime time.

    I believe if DC can concentrate on keeping their scrolls this next campaign you will see a very different score.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

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