(This was originally a post asking if anyone knew of any guilds that followed this theme, but since I couldn`t find any I`ll be changing it)
I`m currently studying as much as the TES lore as possible in order to be able to write a plausible plot that doesn`t feel disconnected from the world, theme and overall mood of the series. S I think I`ll be creating my own RP group and storyline. Don`t know if anyone has any interest in it, but leave a comment bellow or send me a PM if you are. I already have an overall idea of how this "organization" would work, who it worships and the ones they are against, but I`m open for new and different ideas.
anyways. thanks for reading
. i`ll be updating this thread and changing it`s title in the future.
Edited by luizhd on 11 April 2019 20:49