Hey, sooo I was asking people in twitch chats and also collecting opinions on the forums and on discord servers about ideas to improve Battlegrounds. Most of the players are asking to separate premade from solo queue (sources: ; ) and I totally understand why. Especially in lower MMR matches solo players are not really helping each other and basically getting rolled over one by one. The obvious fix is to separate premades from solo queue.
The problem is that there are not enough premade teams to create their own premade queue. Since the latest changes in the queue system my team has to wait for 30 minutes just to get into a match with a broken lobby (2vs3vs4).
Therefore I present you an idea how to solve this situation (and to make BGs a „lucrative“ place for players and for ZOS):
a) separate solo from premade queue.
b) since there are not enough people interested in playing as a group right now, how about adding incentives? Add a serious ranking system for premade groups so that people can queue for „ranked" matchmaking. So basically there is going to be normal non ranked "solo" queue and the "ranked" queue.
The new solo queue should only allow solo and duo teams. (let me know if you want 2 man teams also removed from the solo queue, I think they should stay so that people can learn to fight together to eventually be ready for ranked queue – but up to you guys.
If you don't want to lose points in the ranked queue you can always go and play solo or as a duo in the normal non ranked queue.
Top 5% (or any other number, just not top 100 players please) that participate in the ranked queue will get special end of season rewards – mounts, skins, pets, maybe gold, etc. That does not necessarily mean that you guys at ZOS have to completely design new mounts and skins. Simply use old but very popular skins/mounts like the Dro-m'Athra skin/senche and use different colours.
Forgive me, this was created in a rush:
Dro-m'Athra skin

Dro-m'Athra senche

A season should either be one or two weeks, more than two weeks is too long and one week is probably too short (but that's just my opinion, adjust as you need it)
Use one of them as end of season reward and put the other one into crown store. Most players are completionists, they will buy the skin or senche to complete their outfit or collection. (return to cover your costs for adding this new system). You could also add furnishing recipes as rewards and sell the corresponding house in the crown store at the same time.
About the ranking system: I've heard WoW has a good system, but I know Counterstrike definitely has a good one. Please consider adding your own team's score, opposing team's score, damage/healing done, win/lose, kill/death/assists and some more modifiers (some listed in picture below) into the ranking equation (don't forget about healers that usually don't get many kills).
example equation:

There needs to be a skill floor – where every new player/team has to start at. People within a certain level will be matched against each other. If you queue solo for a ranked match and win, you should get a few more points than the 2 or 3 man premade in your team. If your team loses to lower rank players you should lose more points.
Everyone else that does not get a skin/mount/pet/etc should still get rewards, a system like in Cyrodiil (rank 1 – rank 3 rewards) is needed. Being/staying on top of the ranked leaderboard should not be too easy tho!
There is one thing that bothers me:
Should matches be 4vs4 or continue to be 4vs4vs4 – right now, having 3 teams prevents that one team completely dominates the other 2 teams (in theory). I guess, with a better ranking system matches could become 4 vs 4, but not sure on that one. Need opinions please!
Further wishes:
- If you decide to add ranked matches, please also consider to balance some skills – blockade of ice and snares in general are overperforming.
Battlegrounds are such an awesome place, hardly any lag, no zergs, no sieges. Please show them some love (no more new maps for now, rather fix the queue as soon as possible).
Before somebody comes with the „why reward only ranked, we want mounts/skins for normal solo queue as well“ argument: this is still a MMO, people putting time and teamwork into the game should get rewards (take a look at group dungeons, trials). Solo queue will finally be for solo players, that's good enough and what people were asking for.
I'm pretty sure I forgot something, but let me know what you guys are thinking, add some feedback/ideas please. Discuss rewards, I just gave an idea, I'm not a ZOS employee so I won't go into further detail xD
Thanks for reading!
@ZOS_MattFiror ;
@ZOS_GinaBruno ;
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom ;
@ZOS_RichLambert ;
@ZOS_BrianWheeler ;
@ZOS_RobGarrett ;
@ZOS_Gilliam@Masel - a common friend told me to add you, because you're doing a great job. Feely is his name and Schaden is his game.