The last week, especially after we got ''new server hardware'' ( wich is probably a server downgrade for EU since pops are decreasing over the last months ).
the server has been absolutly garbage.
and im used to lag, ive played this crap preformance game for years now.
But even with 120ms and 35fps we get up to 6-10 second delay on skills.
id show you a video, but will it really matter?
What i'd like to know is what actually happened to the servers we pay to play on, and why the preformance is this bad now.
@ZOS_GinaBruno please stop asking devs about preformance fixes in livestreams the response sickens me, we all know after 5 years of promises, that never do anything, that zos is incapable of actually fixing anything preformance wise.
So dont reply with a fake awnser in the livestreams to sell more copys of elsewhyr telling us for the 20th time that theyre ''working on it '' but nothing ever actually gets fixed, it only gets worse.
Im pretty sure this is illegal, at least in EU.
Selling fake information to get more sales
Edited by VinayExile on 5 February 2019 04:08