I am sure everyone who plays BGs knows the dreadful bug where the matching system wont find a 3rd person for a team and the match never start. I suggest ZOS to add a system that if the match doesn't start in 5 minutes, it automatically ends the match and players can leave freely without the penalty. This is more of a fail safe system because, you know, fixing the issue would be amazing solution. Hopefully something like this would be added because I am tired of getting penalties from broken system.
In addition here is a short story that happened while I wrote this post. I qued for a BG, got in was DM. I waited 5 minutes and realized that the green team isn't getting their 3rd player so we wont start the game. I waited another 10 minutes, nothing happened so I left, waited my penalty time and re-qued and was placed into the same broken match. This is what made me think of the idea that 5 minutes, if no start, no match.
Edited by Orange_fire_dragon on 1 February 2019 17:25